★ | #07 | lego flowers

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★ | #07 | lego flowers"nice try, buddy

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★ | #07 | lego flowers
"nice try, buddy."

.𖥔 ݁ ˖ nicole's radio station
is now playing...

falling behind laufey
"everybody's falling in love, and i'm falling behind."


“WAIT, you're going out with some random guy who you just met? Seonmi, that's exactly how you get kidnapped.” Choi Soobin sighed, as the girl snickered, listening to her brother's voice from the other end of the call as she had him on speaker whilst doing her hair for her outing.

“Oh, relax. I'm grown and mature enough to handle myself. I'm not an idiot.” Seonmi spoke, tying two small ribbons at the end of her hair — of which she had put into two loose braids.

“I wouldn't doubt it.” Soobin countered, his tone of voice laced with sarcasm as Seonmi scoffed, shaking her head.

“Tell me more about this Sim Jaeyun, then.” Soobin egged on, as the girl pressed her lips in a thin line.

“Uhh, he's born in 2002, in November. He's Australian, and—” Seonmi started, only to be cut off by her older brother's laugh.

“Seonmi!” Soobin laughed, “Did you know that most serial killers are born in November?”

“What the actual hell, Soobin? How do you even know that?” Seonmi raised her brows in surprise, a huff leaving her lips as she finished her hair and lifted her phone off of her bathroom counter, taking it with her as she traveled through her small apartment.

“I heard it on one of those ‘creepy facts’ Tiktok slideshows.” Soobin replied, only to receive a laugh from the girl.

“Are you serious? And you believe that?”

“It's true!”

“God, you're so dumb.”

“Not dumb enough to go out with someone I just met and who was born in November.” Soobin replied half-jokingly.

“Soobin, you barely made it out of November. If mom wanted to, she could've had you a week earlier.” Seonmi grumbled, as Soobin mimicked her voice teasingly.

“You're so childish. I cannot believe you're actually older than I am.” Seonmi added on with a sigh, as the boy on the other end of the call chuckled.

“Oh, come on. I was joking, and you know you love me.” Soobin let out between giggles, shaking his head although she couldn't see as it wasn't a FaceTime call.

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