Episode 6

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Outside the local restaurant on Seaside Island, Meh Burger, Sticks and the Diamond Cutters stood just outside the restaurant as Tyrone, Wally and Dave stood together, along with legions of fellow Lightning Bolt Society mercenaries. In front of the Lightning Bolts stood six malevolent and formless Jackal manifestations created by the Phantom Ruby.

"Let's see if Shadow taught you all well, or if you're nothing without him!" Tyrone declared as he chuckled, the crimson glow returning to his eyes as the six Ruby Soldiers began charging towards the heroes.

"Alright, Diamond Cutters, let's give it all we've got!" Smithy declared as the group began fighting the six Ruby Soldiers, each of the Diamond Cutters and Sticks taking on one each.

In the restaurant, Prim stepped out from behind the counter, looking over to see Tyrone holding the Phantom Ruby, recognising the gemstone.

Outside, Tyrone spotted Prim, grinning as the glow in his eyes strengthened.

"Hold the fort, Wally." He ordered to Wally as he walked over to the counter where Prim was.

As he approached, Sticks saw Tyrone walking towards Prim, as her eyes widened.

"Prim, no!" She cried as she landed another solid punch on the Ruby Soldier she was fighting, finally destroying it as it fizzled away, before turning around and running towards Tyrone, "Leave her alone!"

Sticks lunged at Tyrone from behind, as Tyrone looked around, scowling as he swung his free fist at Sticks, the Phantom Ruby powering his attack as his fist collided with Sticks' abdomen, a shockwave of energy pulsing from the collision as Sticks was sent flying directly through the bus at high speed, Wally and any others leaping out of the way as Whisper saw Sticks smash through the windows of the bus before smashing into a tree, collapsing to the ground, unconscious and covered with cuts from the glass and bruises from the impact.

"Sticks!" She cried as she and the other Diamond Cutters were able to defeat the remaining Ruby Soldiers.

As they rushed to Sticks, Tyrone shook his head mockingly as he turned back to see Prim cowering in the corner behind the desk.

"Exactly as I sensed. You're radiating the same energy as the Phantom Ruby." He remarked, as Prim started to cry, "If so, you may come in handy, little girl."

Meanwhile, Whisper and the other Diamond Cutters sat with Sticks, Whisper holding Sticks.

"Sticks, come on, stay with us." She pleaded as suddenly, they looked up to see Fiona approaching, "What do you want?!"

"What happened? Is this Tyrone's doing?" Fiona asked, as Whisper nodded, "He left without me, that Ruby is doing something to his head, making him more violent and power-hungry than usual."

Fiona kneeled down with them, before reaching into one of her pockets and pulling out two vials containing concentrated shards resembling a Chaos Emerald.

"I brought some Chaos Drives, we found them when we found the yellow Chaos Emerald. They should be able to heal her wounds and restore some energy to that Chaos Emerald." She explained, handing them to Claire, "You're the psy-op, right? You know how to use them?"

"I haven't used Chaos Drives or Emeralds before, but I should be able to connect with them." Claire responded as she closed her eyes, holding the Drives to Sticks.

"I've gotta deal with this idiot out here. Take care of her." Fiona finished as she stood up, walking around the bus as she saw Tyrone picking up Prim, "Tyrone! Step away from the child!"

Tyrone looked over at Fiona, his eyes glowing more powerfully than ever as he scowled.

"This girl has the Ruby's energy flowing within her, I can feel it." Tyrone commented as Fiona frowned, before pulling out one of her katanas.

"Tyrone, put her down. You don't want to do this." Fiona warned as Tyrone frowned, "Don't make me fight you."

"You want to fight, do you?" Tyrone asked as he chuckled, putting down Prim, "Very well, if that's what you wish, then I'll happily oblige.

Tyrone held up the Ruby, as it suddenly fired a beam of energy into his other hand, materialising into a glowing red blade, before he put the Ruby back in his pocket.

"Bring it on." He declared as he sped towards Fiona.

As he prepared to swing at her, Fiona held up her own blade, Tyrone's blade colliding with it.

"Tyrone, stop this, now!" She pleaded as she ducked out of the way, Wally and other Lightning Bolts looking on in confusion as they watched Fiona and Tyrone facing off against each other.

"Get out of my way, Fiona." Tyrone warned as Fiona braced herself for a fight.

"Don't you see what that Ruby is doing to you? It's making you violent, unhinged!" Fiona pleaded again as Tyrone lunged towards her again.

"Shut up!" Tyrone screamed as Fiona jumped away from him, his sword hitting the ground and triggering a shockwave.

Next to the tree, tendrils of energy channeled from the Chaos Drives to Sticks as Claire held them, her eyes still closed. As the energy channeled into Sticks, her wounds began to heal as the yellow Chaos Emerald in her pocket began to slowly regain its glow.

"Come on, Sticks, wake up." Whisper pleaded as Sticks' eyes fluttered open, and the full glow of the Chaos Emerald was restored.

"Ugh, where's Prim?" Sticks asked as Whisper helped her to her feet.

"I think she's fine, we've got bigger problems to worry about right now." Claire commented as they headed around the bus to see Tyrone and Fiona locking blades with each other.

"Tyrone, come to your senses! See what you're doing right now!" Fiona cried as Tyrone growled angrily.

"Shut up! Shut up!!!" Tyrone screamed again in response as Sticks looked over to see Prim hiding inside the restaurant again, rushing over to her.

Tyrone looked around to see Sticks running, scowling as Fiona used the opportunity to kick Tyrone to the ground, quickly grabbing the Phantom Ruby.

"Ugh, give me that right now!" Tyrone screamed as he lunged up, swinging his blade as it collided with the Phantom Ruby.

As the sword collided with the Ruby, both Tyrone and Fiona watched as the collision sent a massive shockwave of energy across the village, reshaping it into a barren savannah around them.

"What is this?" Tyrone asked as he and Fiona looked around to see everyone else gone, and the village seemingly replaced with a glitchy desert landscape.

"Where are we?" Fiona asked too as suddenly, Tyrone saw an inferno in the distance, robots roaming the desert as he realized where they were.

"This...is the Jackal Lands..." Tyrone answered as he fell to his knees, "My...old home..."

Adventures of Sticks the Badger - Season 1Where stories live. Discover now