Episode 10

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Inside the Lightning Bolt Society's base, Mimic woke up to see himself in a dark room. He tried to stand up to find himself tied to a chair, instead falling forward on the ground.

"Where am I? Smithy! Whisper! Anyone, help me!" He cried out as he heard a maniacal chuckle around him.

"So you're awake..." He heard the deeper voice of Tyrone as he saw the jackal enter the room, his eyes fully turned to black, holding the glowing Phantom Ruby in one hand, "Your friends left you, Mimic. They abandoned you, just like Shadow abandoned me 17 years ago."

"Liar, they wouldn't leave me, they'll come back!" Mimic screamed back as he tried to reach for his dagger to cut himself out.

"Looking for this?" Tyrone asked, revealing his dagger as he grabbed the chair Mimic was strapped to, pulling it back upright, "You won't be needing this."

"What do you want with me, you monster?!" Mimic asked frantically as Tyrone stood in front of him, staring at Mimic with cold, dead black eyes.

"I want to tell you the truth, Mimic. About what you're really fighting for..." Tyrone answered, as Mimic began to shiver in fear.

At the cottage, Sticks and Prim finished eating dinner, as suddenly they heard a frantic knock at the door.

"Sticks, open the door!" She heard the distressed voice of Whisper, rushing to open the door, as Whisper and Claire rushed in, both in tears, Smithy and Slinger staying outside to watch, "Tyrone's gone fully insane, Sticks, and he's got Mimic!"

"What?" Sticks responded as she stepped back, "What happened?"

"The village formed a mob and charged on their base. We had to follow and Mimic tried to break into the base." Claire explained, "We nearly had them down but Fiona gave him that Ruby again, and he went full demon on us. It even seemed to scare Fiona because she ran inside after giving it to him. Mimic tried to stop her but Tyrone got him."

"You've got that Chaos Emerald, you have to help us get him back." Whisper added, "Who knows what that monster will do to him."

Inside the base, Tyrone began talking to Mimic.

"What you're defending is a corrupt mayor and a lab experiment, Mimic." He began.

"20 years ago, me and my girlfriend at the time barely escaped from the genocide of our home, bringing a group of young survivors with us. We came to this island seeking peaceful refuge, but the village didn't want us. Fink supported them every step of the way. We just needed a home. We didn't want to hurt anyone. Shadow came to the island not long after us. A failed lab experiment from the same mainland that murdered all the jackals as if they were animals. I thought he was my friend. But then he betrayed me and sided with Fink, and killed my family in the process."

Mimic lowered his head, as Tyrone looked down at him.

"Do you understand what it is you're defending now, young man? Your team was trained by that lab rat to kill me and defend Fink. Shadow's no hero, he's a monster, just like the monsters that slaughtered my entire species."

"How do I know you're even telling me the truth?" Mimic asked, "Shadow said you tried to burn down the town hall and kill Fink, and that's why he stopped you."

"And why did he tell you we did it, huh?" Tyrone asked in response, "I'll tell you why. Because we had no choice. Where else could we go? Not back home, no one wanted us. And of all people I thought Shadow would understand after he'd ranted to me about his creator and girlfriend being killed before he escaped the facility where he was created. But no, he sided with our oppressors and killed my family."

"You're lying..." Mimic responded again, looking away as Tyrone kneeled down in front of him, placing the Phantom Ruby on the ground next to him, his eyes fading back to normal.

"I'm telling you the truth, Mimic, all of it." Tyrone told him, "What do you have to gain by siding with them, when you and I both know they don't stand a chance against me now? Your friends left you here to die, but I don't want to kill you, Mimic. I want to deliver you from these fools, help you truly hone the power I know you hold. Join me, and I'll help you do whatever you desire, achieve whatever you aspire to achieve."

"I'll never join you and betray my friends." Mimic declined as Tyrone picked up the Phantom Ruby, his eyes fading back to black as he grabbed Mimic's dagger, driving it into the octopus' shoulder, as he cried out in pain.

"Suit yourself, then." Tyrone spoke in a deeper voice than ever, "You've chosen to be the bait."

Later, Sticks followed as Whisper, Claire, Smithy and Slinger ran towards the Lightning Bolt Society's base, heading through the village.

"We've gotta get him outta there, hurry!" Whisper cried as they exited the village, heading into the outskirts as they approached the base.

The group stopped as they hid behind a bush, watching as a couple of Lightning Bolt mercenaries stood guard outside the entrance.

"We ready?" Whisper asked as Claire held her forehead, having a brief moment of dizziness, "Claire, you okay?"

"Ugh...something doesn't feel right about this. Something's wrong." Claire commented as she came to, Smithy reaching into his pocket and pulling out two walkie-talkies.

"Alright, Whisper, stay out here with Sticks. We'll head in and scout for Mimic. I'll tell you when to come in." Smithy explained as he handed one of the walkie-talkies to Whisper.

"Wait, it's too dangerous." Whisper argued as Smithy placed a hand on Whisper's shoulder.

"Just stay here, if things go south I'll ring you in." Smithy reiterated as he stood up with Slinger and Claire, "Keep watch outside, okay. Good luck."

Whisper looked in dread as Slinger and Claire followed Smithy out towards the base, quickly taking down the two guards before heading inside. Sticks placed her hand on Whisper's shoulder.

"I'm sure it'll be okay. If not, we're here to help them." Sticks said as Whisper hugged her.

"I hope so..." Whisper responded.

Adventures of Sticks the Badger - Season 1Where stories live. Discover now