Episode 5

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In the Lightning Bolt Society's underground lair, Tyrone walked out onto a makeshift stage in front of Wally and a group of upwards of 50 fellow members, Fiona following him with a handbag holding the Phantom Ruby. Tyrone had changed out of his prison jumpsuit, now wearing his signature crimson red cloak with the insignia of the Lightning Bolts on it, as he prepared to give his speech.

"My friends, it is with remorse but also happiness that I bring to you the news of Shadow's departure from Seaside Island, for the mainland of Mobotropolis! I say remorse because I'll never have the opportunity to kill him myself. And I say happiness because he will still die." He announced with a smile on his face as some laughs could be heard from the crowd, "But nevertheless, Shadow's inevitable demise and absence provides us with an opportunity at last!"

As Tyrone gestured to Fiona, she hesitantly reached into her handbag, pulling out the Phantom Ruby and handing it to Tyrone, who held it up as it began to glow with a crimson hue.

"Thanks to our fine commander, Wally Walrus, we have finally attained the key to all the power we will need to conquer this island at last, and bring vengeance to those who have shunned us for so long!" Tyrone continued, as several beams of energy fired towards the stage around him.

Fiona jumped out of the way as each of the energy blasts began to materialise into six black coloured warriors resembling jackals, with no physical features, and each radiating with the glow of the Ruby's energy. The six apparitions stood upright, bringing their hands into salutes as Tyrone chuckled, his eyes beginning to glow the same crimson red as he continued.

"This Phantom Ruby was created by the prehistoric ancestors of the jackals, and they used its power to manifest countless armies to serve their interests. It holds the ability to warp reality in profound ways, creating apparitions that bend to the will of the Ruby's master!" He explained, "The warriors you see before you are the dark spirits of the jackals of old, rematerialised into subservient soldiers who answer to my command. But this is only the surface of the Ruby's power! Once I am able to harness its full power, we will become unstoppable...if we wished, we could conquer the entire planet with little resistance!"

The crowd cheered as Fiona nudged Tyrone to hand back the Phantom Ruby. He turned around, his glowing eyes unnerving her slightly as she stepped back.

"Tyrone, honey, come with me." She requested as Tyrone growled under his breath, turning back to the crowd.

"I will be back in a moment." Tyrone told the crowd as he followed Fiona into the hall, away from the other mercenaries, "What?"

"Do you see what that thing is doing to you, Tyrone?" Fiona asked as Tyrone sighed in frustration, "I don't like it, it's scaring me."

Tyrone sighed again, closing his eyes as he handed Fiona the Ruby again, opening his eyes as they faded back to normal.

"Honey...maybe we should stop this. You said yourself, Shadow's gone and he likely isn't coming back. Maybe we should stop the violence. We all have each other here, we don't need to continue this any longer." Fiona suggested as Tyrone lowered his head, sighing in desperation, "You wanted him dead, didn't you? That's the whole reason we formed the Society in the first place, remember?"

"Our comrades are still shunned, Fiona. And now we're all criminals. I promised them a home in return for alliance...now I need to keep that promise." Tyrone responded, his voice filled with regret and desperation as Fiona wrapped her arms around him.

"We have a home here, honey. We're outside Fink's jurisdiction. We can build our own society, a real society." Fiona replied sincerely as Tyrone pulled away.

"You know that's not what I mean, Fiona." He declined, "Give me the Ruby...I need to get back out there."

"Have you not been listening, Tyrone? It's getting to your head." Fiona tried to decline as Tyrone grabbed her arm.

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