Episode 3

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In the town hall, Sticks sat at the end of the large table with numerous citizens of the island, with Prim sitting on her lap, eating a small bowl of apple crumble. Sticks smiled at seeing Prim enjoying the food., giving her a soft pat on the head.

"You do love your apples, don't you, Prim?" She asked as Prim nodded, continuing to munch on the crumble.

From across the table at another seat, Sticks saw Whisper smiling at her, amused by Prim.

Outside, Wally Walrus and a group of three navy blue-furred weasels wearing crimson red Lightning Bolt Society uniforms, snuck around towards the entrance of the small prison building on the island, Wally pulling out the Phantom Ruby from his cloak.

"We're coming, boss..." He commented as the group stopped to see two police officers, one of them an overweight, brown-furred beaver, and the other a skinnier, auburn-furred wolf, standing outside the entrance to the prison, "Let's see what this thing can do one more time, aye?"

Wally grasped the Phantom Ruby, pointing it towards a nearby forest entrance away from them. Suddenly, the Ruby began to glow, before suddenly, one of the trees suddenly burst into flames, startling the two officers, who ran towards the area as Wally grinned victoriously.

"Come on, boys, let's go get the boss." Wally ordered as he and the three weasels quickly sped towards the prison entrance.

Suddenly, the wolf policeman spotted them, alerting the beaver with him as they both rushed back towards the entrance.

"Stop right there!" The beaver ordered as Wally grinned back at them, chuckling.

He quickly held up the Ruby in the direction of the entrance, as the entrance closed, becoming a solid wall.

"We gotta notify the mayor, now!" The beaver responded frantically as he pulled out a communicator.

Inside the town hall, Mayor Fink felt his communicator buzzing.

"Excuse me for a moment, everyone." He said as he stood up, walking away from the table as he took out his communicator, "What's going on, sergeant?"

"The Lightning Bolts are in the prison! I repeat, the Lightning Bolts are in the prison!" The beaver sergeant explained as Mayor Fink immediately put his communicator away, looking over at Sticks, before nodding at Whisper.

Whisper immediately stood up, heading outside, as Sticks knew what was going on, fearing the worst.

"Hey Prim, can I leave you here for a bit, I've just gotta go help the others outside, the bad people are back." Sticks asked, as Prim nodded with a hint of fear.

Sticks lifted Prim up momentarily, before getting up and sitting Prim back in the chair.

"I'll be back, okay, I promise." She promised, giving Prim a quick kiss on the forehead before rushing outside after Whisper.

Inside the prison, Wally and the three weasels made their way to a cell inside. Inside the cell sat Tyrone the Jackal, a black furred jackal with white dreadlock hair and yellow eyes, wearing an orange prison uniform. Next to him sat Fiona Fox, a red furred fox with maroon hair, wearing a similar uniform. Seeing Wally and the weasels, Fiona nudged Tyrone as she stood up, Tyrone standing up to see Wally as well.

"Wally, what are you doing here?" Tyrone asked as he and Fiona approached the front bars of the cell.

"I'm here to break you out, boss." Wally answered as he revealed the Phantom Ruby to Tyrone, immediately catching his eyes.

"Is that...? You finally found it...the sacred jewel of the Jackals..." Tyrone responded, grinning, "Shadow won't be able to stop this...not a chance...muahaha!"

Wally handed Tyrone the Ruby, as Tyrone immediately felt the energy of the gem pulsating through his body.

"Alright, let's get outta here...then kill Shadow..." Tyrone finished as he lifted the Ruby towards the bars of the cell, the bars suddenly twisting and making an opening as the Ruby pulsated with a dark crimson aura.

Outside, Sticks and Whisper rushed towards the prison building, meeting up with another group of four waiting for them.

"What took you so long, Whisper?" A light green-skinned monkey wearing a white hooded cloak in the group asked Whisper sarcastically as the two met up with them, before glancing at Sticks "This must be the ally Shadow made. I'm Claire Voyance, the psy-op of the Diamond Cutters. That means I do some cool psychic stuff."

Sticks smiled as a large, brown-furred lion with a dark brown mane approached, wearing an outfit nearly identical to Whisper's.

"We've gotta be ready for this, girl. You know what you're doing?" The lion asked her, before introducing himself, "The name's Smithy, I'm the crafter and leader of this group."

He then pointed to one of the others, a teal-furred ocelot with light pink eyes, who was holding a pistol,

"This is Slinger, he's our resident marksman. Anything to do with firearms, he's your guy." Smithy continued, before then pointing to the last of the group, a blueish-violet skinned octopus, "And this is Mimic, he's our infiltrator, he can also shapeshift."

Suddenly, the prison building entrance exploded, as Sticks, Whisper and the other Diamond Cutters jumped backwards. As the smoke dissipated, Sticks looked up to see Tyrone emerging from the entrance, holding the Phantom Ruby, with Fiona and Wally following close behind him, the three weasels at the back.

"Muahahahaha! If it isn't the Diamond Cutters, back in town after too long away." Tyrone reintroduced himself as he caught sight of Sticks, "And the badger girl from the other night, hm? Where's that goody-two-shoes hedgehog saviour of yours? Where is Shadow?!"

"He's gone, Tyrone, you won't find him anywhere on the island!" Sticks yelled back as Tyrone stopped.

"What? What do you mean he's gone?!" Tyrone asked angrily, "Did that idiot seriously think I was joking when I said I'd be back?!"

Tyrone's yellow eyes suddenly began to glow with a crimson aura as the Phantom Ruby once again began to glow.

"Well, if Shadow's not here for a real fight, it just makes it easier to kill all of you!" He screamed as a pulse of crimson energy from the Ruby flew towards Sticks and the Diamond Cutters, prompting them all to jump out of the way, "Shadow may be formidable enough to go toe to toe with me, what with all his Chaos powers, but none of you will even stand half a chance against the power of the Phantom Ruby!"

Sticks was the first to get to her feet as the Diamond Cutters also began to stand back up, as she revealed the yellow Chaos Emerald from her dress.

"You don't think I came prepared?" Sticks asked rhetorically, as Tyrone cackled at the sight of the Emerald beginning to glow.

"Oh boy...you're just some normal little badger girl, what makes you think you even know how to use that?" Tyrone asked, "Just because you stole the Emerald that I found, might I remind you, doesn't mean you know half of how to use it. In fact, how about I prove it!"

Suddenly, the Phantom Ruby glowed again as suddenly, the glow of the yellow Emerald faded entirely, leaving only a grey husk. Sticks looked at the Emerald, confused as Tyrone continued to chuckle.

"Oh, little girl...one Chaos Emerald isn't going to help you if you don't even know how to use it." Tyrone explained, mocking Sticks as she growled at him under her breath, "Get as angry as you want, girl, you can't stop me by yourself. None of you can beat me now, not even together. Now, I have some planning to do, so if you don't mind, my minions and I will be taking my leave."

Tyrone chuckled again as the Phantom Ruby glowed again. A glitchy aura surrounded Tyrone, Fiona, Wally and the weasels, before they suddenly vanished into thin air, the aura dissipating after them. As Smithy helped Whisper to her feet, Sticks looked on in shock as he glanced at the now faded Chaos Emerald. Suddenly, Mayor Fink rushed out with the two officers.

"What happened?" He asked as he regained his breath.

"Whatever that thing is, Mayor, it's powerful." Smithy answered as Sticks sighed, looking down at the ground.

Where are you, Shadow? We could really use your help...

Adventures of Sticks the Badger - Season 1Where stories live. Discover now