The travelogue

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"Hand over all your wealth. And the beautiful lady. Ask her to spend a night with us. Pleasuring us"said the group as they surrounded the couple walking with their pet,a bull..

The man looked at them,with smile. What can he do. He had a smiling face. May be,it was what he was. Smile..Joy..

The woman too smiled. No. She was laughing. Even the bull seemed to be laugh. Can a bull laugh? That was what they did not notice. The bull's action was too humanly.

"What are you waiting. Remove all the jewels and put them in a cloth. We are from the most powerful sect around. Donot think of running. This is our area"the weakest among them told arrogantly.

The man nodded no. The woman was laughing still.

"Look. We have caught a good catch this time. See the jewellery on the woman. These are pure gems and gold. Even her clothes seems to glow with sheen. May be woven by golden and silver thread. The man is wearing simple white. But it seems to be valuable as well. And this bull. It is so fat. And Seems to be young. We can cook it and enjoy for few days. And offer it's skin as an offering to our leader. It would make a good armour.."they continued to talk,no plan among themselves..

The man grinned looking at them planning.

"Little friend. It seems your time with us is little. They are so strong. What should I do?"the man spoke in childish voice..

The bull who was smiling till now became serious. Of course it would be serious. It was a calf,almost dying when this couple had crossed it. And it had been healed with the touch of the woman. From then on it was following them. When they saw it. They took it in. He knew it. That the time of it with them would end. But he knew. It would not be that soon. They had told it. They would keep it with them till they leave this place.

But now. Some brats were trying to kill it and separate it from them.

"Darling. Come on. Remove the jewels. We should surrender now"again the man looking like a teen told the woman,who looked like a teen too.

The woman sighed at her over dramatic husband. Then moved her hands in slow motion towards her nose.

There was a moon shaped diamond piece on her nose. Small. But beautiful. As her hand went,the man moved.


Donot know.

Just one head fell..

Then her hand went towards the flowers with red gems,that she wore on her hair. A body fell. Cut from leg.

As her hands moved,one by one, dismembered bodies fell. On ground. Half was over. There was quite a lot of jewellery on her that day..

Actually the bull even wondered when it saw them. Why was it's masters dressed like that
Especially his mistress. Though. She was never underdressed. But it was too extravagant. Now he finally got it..

"Dear..Donot splash blood on clothes. I won't wash them. You wash it yourself"she said as seriously as she can..

The man stopped for a second..And looked at her,with eyes asking. Like really?

Dear,when do you even wash clothes?

The bull wanted to dig hole and hide.

"Okay..As you say Madam"he said..

Then walked back.

Just how sword moved behind him.

"Let's go little pig"the man said as he came towards his beloved .

The bull looked dazed. Again. It was a bull for God's sake..

"Yes. You are a bull for my sake. But your name is little pig"the man added as he sat with his beloved and soon they vanished.

And after that night,the name of the sect was not seen or heard.

Of course they stayed there for few more days. Actually they were just travelling couple. And the bull, actually it was not like it had gone everywhere with them. It was just. They liked to travel slowly. Sometimes staying,opening a tarvan or some sort of shop. Selling stuffs. Then move..

And one day. The bull knew it was ending. They looked at it. Smiled and bid it a goodbye.

The bull soon forgot them. As if they did not exist..

Who were they?

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