Just get up here - Ian Gallagher

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"y/n was you staying for dinner?" fiona asked me as she walked into the living room where I was sat next to ian watching a movie with him and liam.

"uh-" i began saying but was cut off by ian.

"yeah she is" he said cutting me off and smiled at fiona before smiling at me.

Fiona smiled at me and said "okay jimmy's just gonna order a few pizzas"

"okay thank you" i said and returned the smile.

When fiona left the room I looked to ian who's eyes were on the movie and said "i don't wanna hassle you know..I could've had dinner at home"

He turned and looked to me and chuckled before saying "do you remember our rule when we were little?"

I nodded my head and a smile formed on my face. Ian and I had made a rule when we were kids that we always had to have dinner at each others house on Fridays. It was a weird rule but we never broke it.

"so your having dinner here" he grinned looking back at the tv.

I looked away occasionally glancing over at him. I had recently caught feelings for ian, I say recently but it's been like two years. I knew he didn't feel the same and that we wouldn't ever be more than friends but I couldn't help but love him.

We continued watching the movie before we heard a knock on the front door which I assumed was the pizzas.

"I'll get it!" debbie shouted as she ran down the stairs to the front door and opened it before anyone else could.

Jimmy walked to the front door and paid for them as debbie walked into the kitchen with them.

"come on let's go get some" ian said as he stood up and I stood up after him and followed him into the kitchen.

We both grabbed a few slices each before sitting back on the couch and putting on a different movie. Debbie and lip came and sat with us.

"Y/n are you staying tonight?" lip asked causing me to look from the tv to look at ian. I didn't know if I was or not, if ian wanted me to then I would but if he doesn't then I won't.

Ian looked at me and smiled before looking at lip and saying "yeah she is"

"where's she going to stay?" debbie asked confused.

"she can have my bed I'll sleep on the floor" ian said looking back at the tv.

"what? no your not sleeping in the floor" i said looking at him. there was no way I was taking his bed and making him sleep on the floor.

"your having the bed y/n." ian stated and I just rolled my eyes.

"no im not" i replied shaking my head at him.

"why don't you just share?" debbie said confused and I just shrugged as did Ian.

I guess it wasn't totally a bad idea it's not like we hadn't shared a bed before so it wouldn't be a first. But now that we are older maybe it would seem weird?

I don't know I guess we'll just see what happens when we decide to go to sleep.

It was getting quite late now I think we must've watched two or three more movies. It was almost two in the morning and the both of us were almost falling asleep so we decided to go up to bed. The whole sleep situation was sorted. Kind of.

Ian said he was staying on the floor and that he wasn't going to take no for an answer and I knew that he meant it so I just shrugged. At least I got the bed so I'd get a good night sleep, he could too if he wasn't so certain on sleeping on the floor.

I had just changed into some of his clothes because I didn't have any pyjamas then laid down in his bed and pulled the blanket over my body.

He walked into the dark room carrying a blanket and a pillow before he built himself a little bed on the floor. I wasn't sure why he wouldn't just have the couch if he didn't want to share the bed but I didn't bother questioning it because im too tired.

He laid down and I heard him say "goodnight"

"goodnight Ian" i said back to him rolling onto my side.

I laid there for a few minutes listening to him rolling around on the floor and shuffling. "What are you doing" i questioned tiredly.

"trying to get comfy. i didnt realise how hard this floor is" he said letting out a annoyed groan.

I huffed and said "ian get up here."

"what?" he said sitting up and looking at me.

I looked at him and shuffled over closer to the wall and repeated "get up here before I change my mind."

He quickly jumped up before he laid down next to me and pulled the blanket over his body. He was laid on his side and so was I.

I hadn't realised how close our faces were. I felt my face heat up a little.

"are you blushing y/n?" he asked with a small smile on his face.

"w..what no.." i mumbled and obviously it was a lie. my face was probably like a tomato. I don't know how he knew though because the lights were off.

He chuckled and said "are you nervous?"

"no..why would I be nervous..?" i asked nervously trying to act normal but im sure it wasn't working.

I noticed his eyes glance at my lips before he looked back at my eyes. I smiled and asked "are you looking at my lips?"

"maybe. maybe not" he replied with a grin on his face wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

"your so stupid" i said letting out a little laugh.

"you love me though" he said smiling.

I smiled back and said "of course. your my best friend" even though I wish we were more than that.

"no that's not what I meant. i meant you love me y/n. not just as friends but more than that" he said and I was shocked. how the hell did he know? and how long has he known?

"what..? no..no I don't" i lied.

He moved his face a little closer to mine to the point our lips were almost touching. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"don't worry y/n I have feelings for you too" he whispered and before I could say anything I felt his soft lips press against mine.

Who do y'all want me to write about next?

Also lmk if your enjoying this book and want me to continue..

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