Bail - Mickey Milkovich

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"you've got to be fucking kidding me?!" i heard someone shout from down the corridor. I was at school skipping class when I heard the shout.

I was a nosy mf so I turned around the corner where I heard the screaming come from to see Mandy milkovich. I spoke to Mandy every now and then but I wouldn't call us friends, we just occasionally said 'hi' when we walked past each other.

I decided I'd go and see if she was okay because she looked quite annoyed and stressed out. I walked over to her and she immediately looked at me as she noticed me walking towards her.

She faintly smiled at me and mumbled "hey"

"hey uh are you alright?" i asked her genuinely wanting to know if she was ok.

"honestly no. my dumbass brother just rang me from jail and says he needs 2500 dollars to make bail or he's gonna be in there for four years on good behaviour" she said running her hands through her hair.

"mickey?" i questioned raising an eyebrow. long story short mickey and I used to be quite close a few years back but all he wanted was just to hook up. but I wanted a relationship with him because I liked him a lot. so the second I brought up the word 'relationship' he just avoided me and completely acted like I didn't exist.

She sighed and nodded her head. "I don't know what to do. we don't have that kind of money"

Then it clicked. I didn't have money but I knew my father who left a few years back to be with some other woman but whenever I asked for money he always gave it to me. He was quite rich now. His own millionaire business and everything.

"Wait right here I might be able to help" i said a smile forming on my face.

She pulled a confused face but just nodded her head.

I walked a little further down the corridor. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialled his number.

He didn't answer the first time so I rung again and this time he answered straight away.

Y/n's dad: hey sweetheart how much do you need?

Y/n: two and a half grand please

Y/n's dad: okay I'll send it over right now

Y/n: thanks dad I love you

Y/n's dad: I love you too bye

He ended the call. I let out a sigh slightly wishing we could've been able to talk longer but it was okay. At least I'd be able to get mickey out of jail, I was only doing it to help Mandy.

I walked back over to Mandy who stared at me with hope in her eyes. I smiled and nodded my head causing her to smile and quickly pull me into a hug.

"thank you so much y/n your the best!" she said hugging me tightly. I hugged her back before we both broke the hug.


It was a few days later and it was the day that I was going to bail mickey milkovich out of jail, as much as this was a stupid idea since he treated me like crap and that he'd probably end up back inside soon I couldn't leave Mandy as upset as she was.

"thank you for doing this for me y/n" mandy said from the passenger seat as I was driving to the jail.

I glanced at her and smiled before saying "it's okay don't worry bout it"

"I'll make sure mickey pays you it all back" she replied looking out of the window.

I shook my head and said "no it's okay I don't want his money. plus im doing this for you not for him."

There was no way I was taking any money off of Mickey because I knew the ways that he got his money wasn't legal. And I wasn't getting in trouble because of him.

The rest of the car ride was pretty silent. Oh and mickey didn't even know that he was getting bailed out. Mandy thought it would be funny for it to be a surprise so I agreed. I can't wait to see his reaction to seeing me, he won't be able to pretend that I don't exist anymore.

The feelings we're almost gone for him anyway so I didn't really care if he kept avoiding me.

It took around thirty minutes to get to the jail. I parked in the car park before looking over at mandy.

"he should be out here any minute now" she said opening the car door and I did the same.

We both got out of the car and walked to the hood of the car before leaning against it waiting. I had already given them the check yesterday so they were letting him out today.

"you know y/n mickey still talks about you sometimes.." mandy said breaking the silence which caused me to look at her with a confused look on my face to see her looking straight back at me.

I couldn't really believe that. There was just no way.

"im serious he really does" she added faintly smiling and before I could say anything I heard him.

"fuck you man!" I heard mickeys voice shout causing both mandy and I to look up to see a guard opening the gate for mickey and mickey flipping him off.

I couldn't help but laugh as did mandy.

"and especially fuck you!" mickey shouted flipping off another guard before he turned and looked in our direction.

He looked a little shocked that I was here which was fair enough. "y/n? what the hell are you doing here?" he said confused stopping in front of us.

"watch your fucking mouth mickey y/n's the one who bailed you out so be fucking nice" mandy said before walking round to the side of the car and sitting in the back seat.

I glanced up at mickey who smirked at me before he said "missed me that much huh?"

"fuck off mickey I only bailed you out because I wanted to help mandy out. if it was my choice I would've left your ass in that cell" I shrugged and he chuckled stepping closer to me.

He shook his head and replied "wanna know a little secret y/n?" raising an eyebrow before he walked closer to me so he was stood right in front of me his body nearly touching mine.

I couldn't help but breathe a little heavier. I rolled my eyes and said "sure whatever" I wanted to hear what he had to say.

I looked up at him our eyes locking.

He placed two fingers under my chin before tilting my head to the side before I felt his body press against mine. I felt his breathe against my ear near my neck before he whispered "your all I think about."

I felt him place a gentle kiss on my cheek before he whispered "and I think I love you" before he placed a soft kiss on my neck before pulling away and looking at me.

"your full of shit" i said shaking my head not believing a word that came out of his mouth. he doesn't love me. what was he talking about? he literally ignored me for two years.

"how do I prove it to you? im serious y/n" he asked me and I just shrugged.

"you promise this isn't just going to be us hooking up? or are you gonna make me keep us a secret?" i questioned. I wasn't going to be his fuck buddy if that's what he wanted.

"nah I wanna proper relationship with you y/n" he said smiling.

I couldn't help but smile back and say "okay"

"yeah?" he said with a hint of happiness in his eyes making me smile harder,

"Yes mickey we can be together" i said and he quickly smashed his lips against mine softly.

He was finally mine and all it took was me bailing him out of jail.

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