Chapter 1

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Standing in the lobby of The Bank with a gun pointed at my forehead…

I realize how boring and plain life I have been living. I want to do so many things like travel the world, open my book café, fall in love, and get
married….like I said so many things… but realizing I might not be able to
do any of these things is making my insides churn with panic. I guess this is
what you think when death is right at your doorstep, think about all those
things you want to achieve but haven't been able to. This is not how I
imagined my day would go when I was getting dressed this morning, with the
excitement of receiving my first salary as an employee of a small Diner. It's
not a big restaurant with too many employees but still, the owner and my
best friend Miya, insisted on putting my salary in my bank account. Since it
was her first month and sales weren't great she had to pay with her
savings. I didn't want to accept my salary like this but Miya can be very
convincing. Reluctantly, I had to accept. But when I went to the nearest
ATM Machine to withdraw cash… that thing wasn't working and this bank
was only a few blocks away from that machine, so I decided to withdraw
money from the bank, but it seemed like the Universe didn't want me to
peacefully enjoy my salary because THE BANK IS BEING ROBBED!!!
Yes, you heard it right… three super huge men just stormed in with guns
and barked at everyone to get down, but my fight-flight-freeze response
kicked in, and guess what… Freeze freaking won…and now I am glued on
the spot when this big guy who is hiding behind the mask is shouting at me,
" Put your head down woman, or I will put a bullet in this pretty little head
of yours. I am counting till three"….. but I can't get myself to move, he
started counting "1..2.." he didn't even finish his sentence when the gunfire
rung in my ears.

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