Chapter 2

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I am dead. I am dead. I am dead. "Are you okay, ma'am? Are you
hurt?" Someone is asking me, but I can't bring myself to answer any of his
questions... Sh*t, I can't even think right now. I feel like I am drowning.
or... dying??... Nausea is hitting my stomach. I am not going to survive.
this... I can't breathe. I am deep in the ocean. and then a deep voice.
emerges from a distance, "Breathe, ma'am, breathe,"  and holding on to that
voice, I do as he says. I take deep breaths. ''Just like that; his deep voice is like an anchor, slowly bringing me to the shore. Gradually, the fog in my brain clears, and I come back to my senses. Imitating my savior's deep calming breaths, I slowly open my eyes. Two beautiful hazel-green eyes are staring back at me. There's a concern in them: "Can you take some deep breaths for me?" the owner of those eyes asks me. I nod absentmindedly. obey him. "That's good," he praises. Slowly,  my breathing turns normal. look around myself, and reality settles in. All the memories....robbery, scary men, and gunshots...flood back in. I start to panic again. "It's alright, you are okay now. They're gone. We arrested two of them." Only then do I take on the scene, policemen, sirens, They're gone, and the danger is averted. And Then I take in the mystery man in front of me. He is the only steady ground for my wobbly, dizzying self right now. His strong hands are gripping my shoulders to prevent me from falling; he is running them up and down, soothing me. I take strength from him and stand straight. "Hi, I am detective Martin, NYPD" the mystery mystery man anymore... Detective Martin introduces himself, still holding me by my shoulders. "Don't worry, you are safe now. You can relax." His tone is gentle, like he is speaking to a child. I nod more with my senses than before. "Great,"  he replies. "Can you tell me where you live so I can drop you off? home." "No, it's okay... It's only a few blocks away; I'll walk," I murmured. a trembling voice. "You just had a near-death experience and a full-blown panic attack. Not to mention, you are still shivering. You are in no condition. to walk by yourself. So yes, you are providing me with your address, and I am giving you a ride home." His tone left no room for discussion. I sigh in defeat, suddenly feeling exhausted, and give him my address. He places his hand on the small of my back and ushers me through the entrance towards his car. After making sure I am properly buckled, he climbs behind the steering wheel and starts the engine. All of a sudden, my limbs started to feel heavy, and I couldn't keep my eyes open. As soon as he starts driving, I doze off.

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