Chapter 7

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What did I do?" I whine. "You are fully aware of what you did? So how long were you planning to keep this secret from us?" I swallow. "What secret are you talking about?" They both exchange a look, talking in their twin telepathy. I look at them in anticipation. Whatever they found out can't be good if it has them so worked up. At last, Miya sighs, "Darla saw you at the ice rink today... with that detective." Ohh.. ohhh... "Yeah, so what is going on between you two? Darla comments, her tone accusatory. "First. His name is Camden. not "that detective." 

Darla rolls her eyes. "And second," I look pointedly at her, "nothing is going on between us. I just ran into him at the rink." 

"And what were you doing at the rink?" Miya asks. "Miya, what exactly do people do when they go to the ice rink? They skate... and that's what I was doing." Darla widens her eyes, while Miya narrows hers. "Like you went in the rink or just stood there and stared at it?" They know me too well. "And why would Camden even talk to you? It's not like you two are long-lost friends or something." Miya asks in that motherly accusatory tone she has. I roll my lips. I know that's a dead giveaway that I am hiding something, and they'll know that. And sure enough, Darla gasps, "See, she is hiding something." She is speaking to Miya, but her gaze is focused on me. I give in and tell them everything, from the police department visit to this afternoon's rink encounter.

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