Chapter 3

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I wake up with a pounding head. I can't remember how I got in bed. With
half-open eyes, I reach for my nightstand and grab my phone. I check the
time, it's 6 in the evening. Confused, I get out of my bed and wonder why I
am not working and how I end up in my bed at this hour. I tried to
remember and then everything came rushing in the bank, near-death
experience, panic, detective Martin… Detective Martin… I remember
sleeping in his car. He must have brought me home and tucked me in. But
how did he get in??.. Darla…of course… My roommate must have let him
in. I step out of my bedroom and try to find Darla. She is sitting on the
couch in the living room. She must have heard me coming because her eyes
snap to mine. "Ava, babe are you okay"?? She rushes towards me and
captures me in a tight embrace. She has always been a hugger. I never
particularly liked that but right now I don't mind her being clingy. I return
her hug and whisper, "Yeah….I am alright…" but my voice lacks
conviction. "Oh honey, I was so scared when that cop carried you here. I
thought something happened to you." "Well….something did happen to her
Darla!! She was at the gunpoint of a freaking ROBBER!!" only then did I
notice Miya coming out of the kitchen with a mug of coffee in her hand.
"yeah…but I thought she was dead or something." "DARLA!!" Miya
chastised her. Now it was her turn to hold me. "What!! I don't mean it badly
Ava but that's the first thought that came to my mind when I saw you
cradled up in his arms" "Yes!! Then you accused the nice cop of hurting
her" Miya countered, releasing me. "What!!", I asked, shocked. "In my
defense, you were unconscious in his arms so I panicked and then I
panicked even more when I noticed that gun in his waistband" "Well….he
is a cop what did you expect??" "I didn't know he was a cop then," she said
crossing her arms across her chest. Miya opened her mouth but I intervened
"Girls!! Girls!!, take a break" "Tell her" Darla huffed. Miya just rolled her
eyes. Some might think they bicker like siblings… well because they are
siblings, twins to be exact. They might be twins but they are the complete
polar opposite of each other. Firstly, they are not identical twins and
secondly, they have completely contrasting personalities. If Miya is a calm
ocean then Darla is a thunderstorm. But no matter how much they bicker
they'll die for each other. They say otherwise but I know better. And they
love me dearly and I love them with my whole being. I met them in my
freshman year when I first moved from Maplewood to New York City for
college to study business. With a High school teacher mom and a financial advisor dad, studying business was inevitable for me. They sort of pushed
me in that direction. I don't mind it but I also don't want to get employed in
a corporate firm working day and night like a zombie and not being able to
live my life. No… I want to open a cute little book café, I love the smell of
coffee and books and together they make the heavenly combination ever.
My parents don't have a very great opinion about this little dream of mine,
but they'll come along. That's why studying business is not the worst idea in
the world. So I applied to New York University, and that's where I met the
twins, the popular and cool Sanchez sisters. We just instantly clicked. And
when I mentioned that I didn't like the dorm life, they offered me to live
with them in their apartment on the east side of Brooklyn, and that‟ 's how I
ended up here. “Seriously babe, how are you feeling” Miya‟ 's concerned
voice brings me back from my thoughts. “Honestly, I don't know. I didn't
have time to think about the incident. So I am not sure how I am
feeling yet” I reply, and it‟s the truth, Now that the Adrenaline has worn
out, having a face-to-face with death has left me nothing, but I guess that
won't be the case after some time when all the memories will come crashing
back in. Miya might have seen something on my face cause she grabbed me in
what could be the most affectionate hug of all time, “ Oh honey”, she said, “I
know this is hard but we will be there for you at every step. Don't worry!”
Darla joins soon after and now I am being a sandwich between the twins.
And I feel loved. “I love you guys” I admit. “We love you too”, they
announce in unison. “Okay now, I have made you your favorite Chocolate
pastry, go get cleaned up and get your belly filled. And I have also made
Red velvet for you Darla” “You are the best” “Okay Mom”, We both say
simultaneously. “I don't feel like working today” I mumble in my sleepy
voice, as Miya paces the whole apartment to get ready for work. “Don't
worry honey, you rest today. There is not much work these days anyway"
“You are the best.” "I know I am". After that is said and done, I
close my eyes again. I wake up again to the sound of the doorbell. Someone
is crushing the life out of that thing, which is odd because this is 9 in the
morning and no one comes here this early. Reluctantly, I push the
covers aside and walk to the door and push it open and my breath whooshes
out of my lungs. I go still. Detective Martin is standing there in his work suit
looking no less than a model straight out of those fancy magazine covers. I
look at myself, in my year-old, bugs-bunny pajamas, hair tied up in a messy
bun. I look like a wreck in front of him, completely in contrast to his all-kept-up appearance. I let my eyes wander at him, noticing the details.
missed yesterday. Dark hair, high cheekbones, sexy as-hell stubble, and 
Don't even get me started on my favorite color of eyes. He clears his throat. 
and I am brought back to earth. And I realize what a pathetic image I must have. 
make of looking like a homeless person, ogling at him with wide eyes. I 
refuse to look like a loser and straighten up my spine, keeping my chin high. 
"Yes?" I ask him, wincing at how pathetic I sound. "Good morning, ma'am. 
I am Detective Martin."I remember" I interrupt myself. "I remember." "Good,"  he says. " I 
need to discuss something important. Can I come in?" "Yes, of course." 
Step aside to let him come in. He sits on the couch and gestures for me to do 
the same. "Would you like to have something?" I ask, remembering my 
manners. "No, I am good." "Good," I repeat like a parrot. He clears his throat. 
again, uncomfortable by my proximity. "So I am here to ask you 
about yesterday's robbery." As soon as those words leave his mouth, I feel 
numb all over again. I am at the bank, with a gun pointed at my forehead. 
"Ma'am, don't worry. You are safe. I am right here." His words do that. 
magic again, bringing me back to reality. I focus my eyes on him, realizing 
He has scooted closer and is now holding both of my hands. Tracing 
patterns with his thumb on my palm; this action has an oddly calming effect. 
on my nerves. I nod at his words as he continues, "I am sorry I have to put 
you through this, but I wouldn't have come if this was not important." I 
nod, gesturing for him to continue. "As you might know, we arrested two of 
the robbers yesterday. But the one who held you at gunpoint somehow 
managed to escape. " "What? How?" I ask, shocked, "I thought you shot 
" "We did shoot one of them, but he wasn't the one who took the 
bullet. I aimed at him, but his companion was between the shots. He took 
advantage of the chaos and escaped." I suddenly started to feel sick. I thought 
That bastard was behind the bars, but the knowledge of him roaming freely 
Out there, there is a pit in my stomach. I know he was just a low-key robber and 
not some serial killer solely chasing after me, but still, he could have killed 
me yesterday… and that's enough for my anxiety to come creeping back in. 
But I don't let it show on my face. When I stay silent, he continues. 
speaking, releasing my hands from his grasp and resting them on his thighs, 
"We have arrested some potential culprits, and we need your help to 
identify him. You are the only one who was standing close to  him." 
I don't like the idea of facing that menacing man again, but now is not the 
time to panic. I have to do this because the real culprit has to face the

consequences of his actions. But that doesn't change the fact that I am 
scared as hell. I glance up at him, and as if he can read my thoughts, he 
says, "You won't be there alone. I'll be there with you. They won't be able to 
see or hear you. If you recognize any of them, you point toward them, and 
you'll be done." I think it over for a while and then nod, "Okay, I'll be your 
witness. Just tell me when I can come, and I'll stop by." "You have 
to come with me. Now" "Now?" I glance at myself and then shake my head. 
I open my mouth to speak, but he interrupts me. "We have to do this now. 
so we can continue our process. And trust me, this is going to be a long 
process. The sooner we do this, the sooner justice will be served." He is 
right. "Okay, I will do this. Give me 10 minutes so I can get dressed." He 
nods, and I sprint to my bedroom.

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