Lil' Secret

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Down in the kitchen of her one bedroom apartment in Chinook Village, Megan hummed a little tune while sitting on the counter. She had just woken up and planned on making breakfast for herself. This was rare because being a working college student, she didn't have much time to do this regularly.

The Washington State junior was studying to become a pharmacist, which demanded a lot of her time. She spent hours buried in books. Her long term crush and best friend Klay on the other hand, had ambitions of becoming a history professor but ultimately saw himself going to the NBA. The two had spent the night together like they did on numerous occasions but Klay had already left, having an early practice. Usually the woman would make breakfast for the two but Klay was gone so there was no need.

Only dressed in one of his t-shirts Megan remembered last nights events and smirked. Klay was an animal in bed and she loved every moment of it. His aggressive thrust and skillful tongue had her mesmerized. Hopping off the counter she pulled out a yoplait cup and spoon, suddenly to lazy to cook. With her breakfast in hand the little lady walked to living room and ate, checking Twitter. She often did this to pass time when Klay wasn't around to keep her occupied. Scooping spoon full after spoon full Megan giggled when something humorous caught her eye. The videos that people tweeted would have her doubled over in laughter, sometimes causing tears.

To caught up in her own little world she didn't hear her front door open. When she first purchased the apartment she was given two sets of keys. So naturally she gave the other set to Klay.

"Yeah and I told her no! Fiona knows better! I don't play that mess!" Draymond's voice boomed at the small opening near the door.

"What, so she mad at you?" Stephen chimed in tossing his bag on the couch. Megan entertained the whole basketball team some nights, so to have them over was normal.

"Probably but she'll get over it, shit, she better!" They all laughed taking off their shoes and setting them outside the door. If there was one thing they learned over time, the pharmacy major hated foul smelling shoes sitting in her home.

Walking into the house the 3 men didn't seem to notice Megan sitting in the living room, eyes glued to the phone.

"Yo is Megan even here?" Stephen asked a little to eager to see the woman Klay spent ample amounts of time with.

"She should be, I don't think she had any studying to do today." Klay tailed off searching his surroundings. "Meg?" Pulling the spoon from her lips the woman raise an eyebrow. Klays here?

"Living room!" She called and was soon joined with the trio. Wearing school colors then guys waved at her and crowded around, sitting on the couch.

"Hey Jolly giant! Hey Curry, Green!" She smiled greeting her closest friends teammates.

"How was practice?" The men sigh each taking a different positions. Klay leaned back on the sofa while Stephen put his hands in his pockets. Draymond scratched the back of his head. "It was long.."


"Yeah" Klay spoke.

"I'm sorry." Megan stood and grabbed her empty yogurt cup. When she leaned forward to grab the spoon the room grew quite. Instantly Klay was pressed up behind the woman gripping her waist harshly.

"What Klay?" She asked with slight attitude.

"Go upstairs right now!" He growled in her ear, anger radiating off him.

"What? Why?" Reaching down the front of her Klay lifted her shirt and toyed with her bare pussy. Sucking in a moan, her nipples harden and she gripped his wrist. His large body shielded what he was doing so the other guys wouldn't see.

"Where the fuck are your clothes!" He whispered and the woman flushed! She was so use to being like this around Klay that she hadn't even realized. Using him as a wall she scurried over to the staircase and up to her bedroom, embarrassment clear on her face. Sure the guys had seen her in shirts that covered her shorts but this was different. She had nothing on but a thin white t-shirt this time.

Back downstairs it was still silent until Draymond spoke up, "Damn Thompson you hittin' that?" "Goddamn baby girl got ass for days! Did you see how round-"

"Enough man!" Klay bombed causing Dray to hush.

"You gotta admit she fine as hell!" Stephen offered rubbing his hands together.

"I didn't even notice when she was sittin' here, like she was stark naked!" Stephen continued. And that pushed Klay over the edge. He wasn't about to let his two good friends talk about the woman he loved in such a way.

"Yall gotta go!"

"But we just got-"

"I'll see yall later!" Klay shooed the tall men out the door and locked it. Sighing Klay trudged to the stairs taking them two at a time. He opened the wooden door and saw Megan sitting at the edge of the bed rolling her thumbs. She looked so shy and for some reason that turned Klay on. When he was in front of her, Megan's chocolate eyes glanced up to meet his.

"What the hell was that?"

"I forgot!"

"You forgot? You basically gave them a whole show!" The man yelled causing Megan to jump. She had seen Klay mad before but never at her. They rarely got in fights so they was new.

"I didn't think you would bring them back here! And last I checked I pay the rent, I can be naked if I fucking want to!!" her voice was small but she got her point across.

"I didn't- I just.. I just dont want everyone to see you the way I do!" He spoke calmly, he didn't mean to yell in the first place.

"I'm sorry." He confessed, and Megan stood to her feet. Grabbing Klay's hands she brought him back over to her bed. Pushing lightly on him, Klay fell like a ton a bricks bouncing on the bed. She fell on top of him, straddling his slim waist.

"All this is just for you to see." Kissing his lips lightly. Klay rested his arms at the back on his head.

"Good, cause you're my lil secret!" he spoke and even though she already knew that, it still hurt. She didn't want to be a secret but if this was the only was she could have him, she'd take it.

"I know.." She kissed him again knowing that once they started, Klay wasn't gonna let her leave until he was fully satisfied..


This was just sitting in my drafts for the longest. So since I'm still waiting on that last vote for Mr. Postman I put this up! Not my best but here ya go!

Kails :)

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