Yo Side

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Months had gone by and I hadn't seen him in so long. He went away to serve in the Military at the start of the year and I'd been missing him terribly. I lay in bed with my right hand grazing the bed sheet where he should be laying. Of course I got phone calls from him but it was never enough. I wanted, no needed him here. It's nerve wracking going to work and coming home everyday to no one.

I rolled over and got up wondering over to the dresser that held some of his sleep shirts. Yanking the third drawer open I went to the bottom and pulled one from there. The ones at the bottom always held his scent longer and I needed something that reminded me of him. I pulled off my shirts and slid his on, letting the musk of Wardell Stephen Curry fill my nose. I looked in the mirror and tried to blink back the tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I promised I'd be strong and support his choices but it was getting harder as the days went by. I tried busying myself with work but being a nurse and helping the injured only heightened my worry for Stephen.

What if he was hurt, or worse? Ari told me I was being ridiculous but I knew she was just as worried for Klay as I was for Stephen. They both went in at the same time, leaving both of us at home. For a few months I hated him, how could he leave me at home to worry about him 24/7? But I eventually forgave him and agreed that I wouldn't bitch.

I sauntered down the stairs to remove my tea from the microwave, I had been trying to drink it for a few hours now but always got sidetracked with things around our house. Stephen and I lived comfortably, more than comfortably actually. We had plenty of wealth but he still insisted on going and playing hero.

Getting my cup I went to the den and sat waiting for Ari to come over. Ever since the boys left we spend endless amounts of time together complaining about them. But hey, it's better than moping around.

Shortly after I took my seat my doorbell rang and I jumped up to answer it, greeting Ariana.

"Hey Girly!" I chirp and she nods her head moving towards the den. I shut the door and follow behind her.

I watch as she found her seat quietly and sniffled. The pace of my heart quickened and I kneeled down in front of her taking her hands in mine.

"What's wrong Ari?" I asked while the tears I had previously filled my eyes again waiting for her to answer me.

"T-They came today." She stuttered out and I searched her face for an explanation but all I saw was hurt and confusion.

"Who came today?" I spoke praying to God that she wasn't talking about what I thought.

"T-They came t-to the door with the f-flag Dana.. He's gone." She fell into me and clutched my shoulder sobbing uncontrollably. An ear shattering scream ripped through my house and I started crying. Ariana bawled and I didn't have the words to console her. All I could do is weep with her and stroke the back of her head. Her tears soaked my shirt and I didn't mind.

"They c-couldn't fine his body either." She heaved her chest moving rapidly and my heart felt heavier than it ever has. I was gutted for her and it hurt even more cause I couldn't do anything about it. I couldn't being her husband back to her, she had lost the one thing she loved the most and I couldn't help her feel better. I don't know how long we sat there but it didn't matter, I'd sit there for days with her if she needed.

Ariana had calmed down enough to go into my guest bedroom and fall asleep while I was left alone with my thoughts. Klay was really gone, he wasn't coming home with Stephen in January and it broke my heart all over again. I went up to my room and laid down, clinging to the pillow that would normally house Stephen's head. Silent sobs spilled from my mouth as I desperately prayed to God to keep him safe.

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