Butterfly Ky-2

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My alarm clock rang loud and I peeled my eyes open silencing the noise. I had class at 12pm so I needed to start getting ready.... Like now. I went to stand but a firm grip prevented me from doing so.

Oh yeah, Kyrie was still here.

"Ky, let go." I try to shimmy out of his hold but it only tightened. Possessive ass!

"Nooooo, don't leave just yet." his deep voice rattled the room and I shivered. His voice is everything in the morning.

"Kyrie you know I have to get ready for class..." I try but he still didn't let me go.

"Yeah I know, but I don't want you to."

"I can't miss another class, midterms are coming up." I try to reason with the half sleep man behind me.

"Yeah but-"

"No buts babe, I gotta go and so do you." He lets go and allows me to get ready but he stays in bed. I fly around my room searching for something to throw on. I pick up Kyrie's grey t-shirt he'd left here ages ago from the floor and toss mine off.

"Oh my own private show." Kyrie mutters while placing his hands behind his head, still hidden by my comforter.

I covered my chest quickly while smirking. Kyrie on the other hand dropped his smiled and ran a hand over his face. I mean it's nothing he hasn't seen before but damn son, stop staring!

Kyrie and I have slept together on multiple occasions. But you know what happens when you have sex with your best friend, it complicates things.. And what a shocker... I was the one who caused it.

But I mean can you blame me? Kyrie is 6'3 with big broad shoulders. His arms could swallow me whole if they wanted and I would gladly let them. He worked out relentlessly being on the basketball team and whatnot. His body was something out of the world, it pitiful that I could describe to you in great detail every inch of him. Then theres his eyes, deep pools of amber and cocoa that will stare pass your sole in conversation. He is an adonis built special to touture me, a constant reminder of something I couldn't have.. 

I slipped on one of my plain black bras and Kyrie's shirt that falls just below my bum. It covered it mostly but still left a little peeking out. Then I went over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of Lulu's before running back to Kyrie to see what progress he made with getting ready.

"You're gonna be late Irving." I say simply while rolling the black fabric up my legs.

"I don't mind, I'm enjoying the view."

That made me smile, I don't know why but it did.

I hurried to the bathroom to finish the last part of me getting dressed which consisted of my hair and a bit of makeup. I hated this part because it always took the longest considering I wasn't blessed with a manageable hair texture. I'd never say I hated my hair but damn this mess on my head could stress me out.

Oh well.

I pulled my hair out of its matted bun and allowed the heavy mane to fall around my face. I wasn't sure if I should put it back in the bun either, I didn't want it to get ever more tangled.

What to do what to do??

"Time check!" I shouted my voice echoing through the hollow bathroom walls.


Oh shit! I tossed my hair back in the bun and slapped on some mascara, opting not to do my usual routine. My class was halfway around the campus and was going to take some time to get there. I slipped on some flip flops, knowing it was going to be warmer today and glanced at myself in the mirror.

"You look fine, now lets go!" I hadn't even noticed Kyrie was dressed and waiting for me. We didn't have the same class but his was in the same direction.

We scurried out of my apartment and bolted down the sidewalks. I was tall but Kyrie's legs carried him a farther distance. My stride was no match for his so he lifted me onto his back and literally ran most of the way.

The ivy clad building now in sight I sighed. I wasn't gonna be late.

"Ky you can put me down now, I'm sure I can make it." I say feeling a bit nervous, people were glaring at us now.

Well mostly girls.

"I've come all this way, I might as well finish the trip love." his voice rumbled through his body.

"Fine!" He readjusted me on his back and slowed down a bit. I took this time to run my fingers through his hair and he hummed in appreciation. Boy did he need a hair cut!

All to soon the dreaded building was in front of us so I slid down his back until my feet found the cement.

"I have to get to O-Chem, so I'll meet you for lunch. I would say dinner but Veronica.." As soon as he said that name my whole mood changed. I couldn't stand her! Veronica this, Veronica that! How come she couldn't find someone else to bother? Veronica is Kyrie's girlfriend and she is the definition of bitch. I kid you not, she truly sucks!

"....and I have to make sure I get to practice on time-"

"Yeah sure" I cut him off, I really didn't want to hear anything else involving Veronica. I glanced down at my phone to check the time. It is 11:49 so I should be heading in soon.

"I gotta go." I turned on my heel to leave but not before Kyrie caught my wirst and pulled me back into him. He hugged me from behind and left a soft kiss on my collar bone, causing a slight shiver and an almost audible moan. Something about being kissed right there did something to me, it was my sweet spot and he knew that.

"Bye Kyrie.." I half smile and shimmy out of his grip.

"Bye boo.." He bellowed before running off to his class.

I walked into the brick building and settled into the classroom. Students were already in their seats chatting about what they did this weekend and some party that was 'to turnt'. I got all that out my freshmen year so it was rare to see me attending anything that remotely resembled a party.

Moments passed on and then Mr. Ahven walked in beginning todays lecture.

"Good Afternoon guys, lets continue with study of that molecular structure yeah?"

Dear God let these two hours fly by....


Man I just realized I am close to 10,000 reads and 400+ votes. *Sobs violently* I just want to thank you all for reading! It truly means a lot to me. And as soon and I reach 10,000, request are open! I owe it to you guys and I would love to write for you!

i love y'all


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