The Neighbor

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"Yes, I'll bring dinner Diana!" The man kissed his wife's ivory cheek good bye. The strawberry blonde shied away from her husband's touch and sipped her coffee. Though the two have been married for 4 years, they have yet to have sex. Sighing Stephen walked out the house and got in his polished black Tesla, Model S. It was a Christmas gift to himself.

He pressed the garage remote and pulled out. In the corner of his eye he caught sight of a moving truck in the driveway next to his. His eyes followed the different workers taking box after box inside the home, but he never saw who was moving in. The wheel of his car curved right and he revved the engine speeding off to the hospital. Stephen was on call and was just paged. Being one of few OB-GYN's in the Miami area could be stressful at times but he handled it well.

Zooming down I-75, he finally made it. Parking in his spot, Dr. Curry rushed to triosh 4. One inside he put on his gloves and checked how far dilated his patient was.

"10 centimeters! Let's have this baby!" The 6 foot 3 inch man fussed instructing his nurses to get ready.

"Push Mrs. Fair!" and the women before him strained, sweat poring from her head. Twenty seconds passed and he commanded her to push again. Soon a head was seen and Stephen was an elbow deep helping the baby along. Next came the shoulders which in his opinion seemed like the hardest to get out.

"One more and you're all done." He cooed trying to encourage the hysteric women. He looked up to see her husband glancing down, to the scene in front of him. Stephen smiled slyly, being proud of the man. Most don't make it through the first push.

Minutes later a loud weep echoed through the room sending all the nurses in a frenzy. They cleaned the infant, and wrapped it in the basic blue and pink blanket. Dr. Curry watched as they placed the baby on the mother's chest, all crying came to a halt. The picture in front of him was one he saw all to many but craved desperately. Slipping off his gloves he left the room, giving the family time to enjoy their new addition.


After delivering 4 babies Stephen was beat but the drive home didn't take long. Lazily he pulled into the driveway and cut the engine. He loosened his tie and opened the door. Days like this he wished he could be carried into the house. Stepping out he looked up, and cursed. He had totally missed the empty garbage cans sitting at the edge of the driveway. The light skinned man groaned and walked to get them. While doing so he gazed up at the evening sky, appreciating the different colors dancing around the clouds. He loved the out doors.

Reaching the end of the driveway he hooked his hands in the handles of the barrels, ready to pull them back but a cute giggle stopped him. Fixing his eyes in the direction of the sound his jaw slacks. At the same house the moving truck occupied early stood a honey brown skinned women twirling the ends of her medium length curly hair. Clad only in jean shorts and a grey t-shit, she stood outside examining todays mail. Not paying attention she dropped an envelop. Quickly, she bent down to get it, a bit of her butt peeking out the bottom. Stephen swallowed hard, averting his gaze. Was this his new neighbor?

A honk of a horn was heard startling him and the mystery woman. Shrugging the leggy beauty went inside, leaving the doctor at the bottom of his driveway.

"Are you gonna move?" a voice called out who Stephen identified as his wife's. He wheeled the garbage cans back inside and entered the house. Moments later, Diana did as well.

"So what's for dinner?" She tied her hair into a pony tail and took her shoes off.

Shit! Dinner! Stephen forgot dinner!

"Uhhh" He scratched the back of her head causing Diana to roll her eyes.

"You forgot didn't you?" She asked placing her hands on her hips.

"Are you mad?.." Stephen moved forward going to wrap her arms around her waist.

"Don't" She moved. "This is like the second time this month Stephen!" She cried, causing him to roll his eyes.

"I'm sorry! I just had a busy day at work and it slipped my mind." The man spoke honestly, he didn't mean to forget, he just had a long day. He was stressed out and sex deprived.

"So did I Stephen!" The tiny woman yell, pulling some fruit from the fridge.

"Give me a break Diana, dog sitting isn't real work!" He boomed. Stephen was a good man but his wife failed to realize that. He supported her constantly, even though she truly did nothing all day.

"Here we go again! Just cause I'm not a big shot doctor, I'm not allowed to be tired?" The argument continued and seemed to be escalating quickly. Diana placed her fruit in the blender and turned it on. Opting for a smoothie for dinner. Once done she poured the mixed fruit in a cups and took a sip. This only heighten Stephen's anger.

"Whatever Diana, goodnight." He stalked up the stairs and got his things from their shared bedroom. He was fed up and didn't feel like being in her presences. Taking to the spare bedroom on the third floor.

After his shower the man kicked back on the bed in the pitch dark. Suddenly a bright light shown through the olive colored curtains grabbing his attention. Getting up he walked over and pulled them back, coming face to face with the lights source. Directly across from him in her home stood his neighbor with a towel wrapped around her body, fresh from a shower. He eyes widen, there she was again. Not wanting to snoop Stephen let his hand fall from its spot and he took a few steps back.

Biting the inside of his cheek he thought about what he should do. If he continued to look it be creeping but if he opened the curtain and just walked by it'd be accidental.. Right?

Peeling back the thin material he caught another glimpse of her, moisturizing her legs. Her long curls dripping wet, cascading down her back. Stephen moved closer to get a better view. The woman stood readjusting her towel in the prosess and walked over to her dresser grabbing a brush. She pent her hair up into a bun and dropped her towel but the man closer his eyes. Embarrassed Stephen closed the curtains and laid in bed.

Shutting his eyes, images of his new neighbor burned in his head. That night he fell asleep with a smile on his face, eager to see what tomorrow would bring.


It's so easy to write about Stephen, I don't know why either. But congrats to him and Ayesha on their new addition to the family!!!! Tell me what you think about this though. :)

I'll be updating like a mad woman this week so bare with me!


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