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In their Cleveland home Ariana and Kyrie stood in the master bedroom.The duo had just returned from another doctors appointment for the point guards fractured knee.

Exhausted the women kicked off her shoes and rubbed her sore feet. Since Kyrie is hurt she did most of the heavy lifting. Groceries, gardening, house work, anything that needed to be done she would do. And though he pestered Ariana wouldn't allow him to spend extra money on help. She could handle it.

Pulling his crutches from his arms the man plopped down begging his wife to do the same. "How am I suppose to do this baby?" Kyrie whimpered, pulling the tired woman closer to him and planting his head in the crook of her neck. The NBA player had been feeling sorry for himself lately on the count of he couldn't play. He just watched as his team was defeated by the Golden State Warriors and it stung.

He couldn't help.

"Hard Work." She whispered softly, knowing he could hear.

"I'm not gonna be the same after this.." He trailed off hinting at his injury for the billionth time today.

"You're right Kyrie!" She said a little bit louder.

"You'll be better!" Ariana kissed his forehead and pulled him up, refusing to let him mope.

A year later....

Ariana sat court side as her husband shot around, warming up for this evenings game. The Cavs were about to go head to head with OKC in game seven of the NBA finals. Nervous was an understatement right now as the woman bounced her right knee in anticipation. Being a Cavs fan was hard but it was even harder being the wife of one of the players. Most nights consisted of calming Kyrie down or pep talking him. Which, depended on his mood. But tonight was the night, it's their year. The curvy women felt it in her bones.

Following Kyrie's every move Ariana eyed his knee carefully. Though he was in perfect health, she couldn't help but check. Kyrie struggled with that terrible knee injury in last years finals and she didn't want a repeat.

The other team looked confident but Ariana wouldn't have it any other way. She wanted this to be a battle, craving the other team to put up a fight. Being a Cleveland native she knew nothing is ever given here. Everything is earned so this would be no different.

The flicker of lights signaled it was time for the war to begin and she felt nervous flutters in her stomach. Kyrie came running over tossing his warm up jersey on the bench. He put in his mouth guard and looked up, silently praying. Ariana knew he was asking God to keep him physically healthy, and she was too. She couldn't bare it if he was hurt and forced to sit out again.

Watching him, Ariana stood to her feet for the singing of the national anthem. The area was filled with a sea of wine and gold and it warmed her heart. The city was pumped and fully behind their team, they were ready for a win. After being robbed of a victory last year Cleveland was hungry and even more determined to take the title. She remembered Kyrie waking up at O'dark thirty to go running with Pepper, their dog. How many nights she's stay awake waiting for Kyrie to return home from the gym. All the rehabilitation her man went through so he would be beyond ready to play. And she was with him every step of the way, sometimes accompanying him on his early morning workouts and shooting around. The two were perfectly matched and no one could come between that.

The final notes played out and Ariana clapped returning to her seat checking her phone. A distinct bird call caught her attention and she looked up to meet his gaze. Kyrie's brown eyes softened when he got her to focus on him. The woman blew him a kiss and he caught it, smiling like an idiot. He motioned around his face, silently asking her where to put it. Shyly she point to her cheek, not really knowing where else. The starting point guard pouted but obliged.

Returning the blown kiss, Kyrie sent his causing Ariana's cheeks to turn red. By now the camera had caught them, displaying their simple act of affection on the jumbo screen. The women caught the kiss and mimicked his actions, roaming her hand around her face.

"Where?" she mouthed and he smirked, holding his hand to his heart. The crowd aw'd causing the pair to look around. All eyes were on them. Ariana gasped, eyes widened still not okay with ample amounts of attention. The 6 foot 3 inch man chuckled and headed to the middle of the court for tip off.

At the sound of the whistle the ball was tossed up and tipped in the direction of the Thunder sending the crowd into a fit of boos. The had scored their first two points but Ari wasn't worried, she knew her boys would pull it off.

"LET'S GO CAVS!" She chanted along with her fellow fans when LeBron sank a three. This was gonna be one hell of a night.


"Fourth quarter, with 3 minutes remaining. Kyrie Ivring is having a fantastic game. Not only is he tied with LeBron for most points of the evening but his ball handling is outstanding." Charles commented.

"I'd have to agree with you Barkley, that boy is something else. It's apparent his wife's been taking good care of him in this post season!" Chis chimed in.

"If the Thunder don't adjust their defense, the Cavs are gonna take this championship." Kenny confirmed. The fans were out of their seats jumping up and down cheering on the guys.

Tristen rebounded the ball kicking it out to Kyrie. Dribbling through his legs he slowed down, waisting some time off the clock. Russell Westbrook was guarding him, trying to steal the ball but fell short when Kyrie cross him up. The arena boomed with cheers when the final moments slipped off the clock.

Dropping the ball Kyrie jumped up and down in celebration. The area was going nuts with praise. They had done it! The Cavaliers had brought their city a title. The team group hugged and LeBron drop to his knees, he reached what was considered the impossible.

"AND THE CAVALIERS ARE THE NEW NBA CHAMPIONS!" The announcers voice rang though the speakers and the Q lost it. Streamers, balloons, fire, and more erupted and Ariana couldn't be prouder.

Through the mayhem Kyrie found his wife engulfing her in his arms. She welcomed him, sweat and all.

"You did it!" She cried, knowing just how hard he worked.

To loss for words he just nodded and kissed her lips. Knowing just how lucky he was to have such an amazing support system.


Kyrie and them damn lips!!! Like lawd take me now!!

This was literally a dream I had after the Cavs were beaten. I truly believe we will have our day in the sun and it's coming.. Next year is out time!

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