Chapter 2

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A/N I'm reading this book called 'Dangerous' by _MoreLikeALeader_ it is sooo amazing PLEASE GO CHECK IT OUT!!!!


Alexa's P.O.V

Everyone was looking at me they were all in a circle sitting down talking. 2 people caught my attention. One of the best gymnast, Nastia Lukin well people think she's the best but honestly she's just really good on bar's. The other person was the guy sitting next to her. He had curly hair and piercing green eye's. Tie seem'd to stop when we locked stare's. He looked away when Nastia nudged him and then gave me a dirty look. Someone came out of another room, I'm guessing that's Mike.

"Alexa!" he said and rushed over to me. He surprised me when he gave me a hug, i awkwardly hugged back. He pulled away and put his hand's on my shoulder's and studied my face. "Um-mm?" i shifted position's awkwardly.

"Everyone this is your new team mate!" He said to everyone in a circle "Are you going to tell us why were here yet?" Nastia said sounding annoyed that she was here. "Well i figured since we have a new team member we would have a sleep over and get to know each other" he said giving her warning eye's. " Then why am I here?" The curly head boy asked "Because you are here most the time any way's so i figured you be here to" he said and he nodded. "So Alexa introduce yourself" Mike ushered me 

"Um I'm Alexa, I'm 17, I've been training for the Oplympic's and my dad made me move here cause he think's it will be a better start for my career" i said no one said anything, then the curly head boy broke the silence "Well i think that was very kind of your dad to help you" he said "yea except the fact that he believed more in the other girls in my gym more than his own daughter and didn't even let me show him my skill's" i said looking down tear brimming and my eye's. He stay'd quiet not knowing what to say. "Well let's get to it" Coach breaking the silence. No wonder the driver made me pack a bag while i was at my house. I went over to where everyone's and put mine down. I walked over to the group and sat down.Coach left us alone while he went home, he locked all the doors so basically were on lock down.

"Now what?" i ask no one answered i sighed annoyed "Look whats your  guy's problem" I said, Nastia spoke up "Our problem is you think you think you can just waltz in and become part of a team and this is a London team your from the United State's" she said "LOOK! If you think I want to be on this team your completely wrong. The only reason I'm here is because I have to now you can either grow up or go cry like a little b*tch, i suggest you grow up so we can move forward." I said standing up for myself she shut up immediately. "alight i guess let's just go around say our name and something about us" Spoke up curly. "I'm Harry, I'm 18 and i like singing" he said so his name's Harry i like it. STOP IT ALEXA. You don't have time to think about boy's your goal is to be an Olympian and then boy's.

We all went around and we were silent again. "Maybe we could just practice or something" i suggested "Sure i want to get to know to your style its always fun learning new style's" Melony spoke up she's very nice. i nodded  "What about you Nastia are you  in" i asked "I guess" she sighed. I took off my shoe's sand sock and took off my shirt so i was just wearing shorts and a sport's bra. "I guess i do beam that's always been my best i guess" i said they all murmured a yes. I looked over to see Harry sitting on a chair. Why was he here. I wanted to know so i walked over to were he was sitting. "I'm assumingg your not a gymnast so why are you here" i said looking at him he chuckled "No I'm not Nastia's my girlfriend so I'm alway's here watching her cause i have nothing better to do" he said "Well that's really sweet i said, i hope i can find someone who supports me like you some day" I smiled. Really i felt this weird pang go threw my stomach when he said Nastia was his girlfriend. I'm not sure what is was but was it... jealousy? No. It cant be i don't even know him for god's sake!I got up and walked to the beam. I ran onto the vault and jumped on the beam.(Routine on side video-->)

I finished my routine, and everyone was stunned. I'm not shocked though because it's a really tough routine, but beam's always been my best category. Nastia looked at me "That was really good" she said Now i was shocked cause she was being nice all of the sudden "Did Nastia Lukin just complement me?" i asked mocking her. She chuckled "Don't push it" she said playfully. Maybe she is really nice and just have to get to know her. I watched as some of the girls ran threw drill's and stuff. Nastia walked up to me "Look I'm sorry i was so mean to you it's just i not used to new team mate's and I'm really sorry i was mean to you, i was hoping maybe we could be friends?" she said hopefully I smiled why would i say no? "sure" i said she pulled me into a hug, so  I hugged back.

I smiled at her and went to go get some water. She came with me. "So I heard your dating curly" i said wiggling my eyebrow's she blushed and looked down. "yea, he's great" she said "yeah he's really nice hopefully i can find someone as good as him but not soon" i said she looked confused "Why 'not soon'?" she asked me "I want to focus on training here going to National's then hopefully Beijing Olympic's." i sighed the last part. She nodded "you know having a boyfriend isn't a bad thing as long as they support you and i think it's great having someone extra there cheering you on" she said smiling a little "Yea, as if anyone would want to date me though" i sighed "WHAT?!" she screamed everyone looked at us "Shhh" "ANY GUY WOULD BE LUCKY TO DATE YOU DON'T YOU EVE SAY THAT!" she screamed embarrassing me even more so i slapped my hand over her mouth to keep he quiet "Shhhhhhhh everyone's looking" i whisper yelled she nodded i took my hand off her mouth. Maybe this was going to be a great friendship.


A/N Yay so Nastia and her are friends now. I couldnt help it lol

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