Chapter 8

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A/N Pic of Alexa  on side -->


Alexa's P.O.V

The rain has finally let up so we get to practice again. Thank god, we need all the practice we cane get. Me and Nastia don't really talk much anymore. She hasn't tried to apologize, and I don't care if she does. She was out of line and she knows it. I got dressed in a peach sports bra and white short gym shorts. I put my hair in a pony tail and put on a thin sweater so I covered up while I  drove over to the gym. I grabbed my bag and headed out. I got into my car and went to shut the door but something stopped it. I opened up and looked up. I smiled when i saw who it was. Harry  leaned down and pecked mt lips. It took me by surprise, I gave him a confused look and he smiled at me.

"What was that for?" I asked still confused "Well we decided to test the waters, so... I am" he winked. "Are you going to the gym?" he asked I nodded in response. "Can I watch you?" he asked and I nodded again. When he got it I looked at him smiling. "What?" he asked "You want to watch me" I teased.He looked at me and raised an eyebrow "Maybe I wanted to watch Nastia, or better yet Brooke?" Who's Bro-. Oh yea, that's the girl he cheated on Nastia with. Would he cheat on me?  It would hurt. A rush of jealousy went through me as I thought about him kissing Brooke.

"Whats wrong?" Harry asked looking confused. "Nothing" I mumbled. "Obviously something's bothering you" he said sounding slightly annoyed. "Why did you kiss Brooke do you like her? Cause if you do I don't to be in this little thing that's going on right now"

"What little thing, we aren't even dating" Ouch. "Please enlighten me what 'testing to waters' means cause I obviously don't understand what it means" Sarcasm in my voice.

"You thought that meant we were dating?" he said with humor in his mouth. "I don't know" I mumbled.

"What else am I supposed to think when you say 'how about we test the waters'?" I said in a fake British accent mocking him.

"You obviously aren't from Britain" he mumbled looking out the window. "YEA OBVIOUSLY I'M NOT" I said raising my voice getting annoyed. He didn't respond so the rest of the drive was silent. I finally got there after 5 minutes of awkward silence. Right when I pulled my keys out of the ignition i rushed to get my gym bag and hurried inside. I took my sweater off and went to go stretch. After I streched I went to beam.

I hopped on and started doing my routine.

Harry is such a jerk, but what did he expect when her siad 'let's test the waters' cause in America that means dating but not telling people. Stupid Brits. But would he ever go to Brooke? I don't know why i care so much i just met the guy! Why is life so hard here. I mean at home I didn't think twice about boy's. Mean it-

"AHH" i screamed. I fell off the beam and landed on my ankle really bad.I held my ankle and knee. This hurts so bad, i started shaking from fear and pain, I saw Mike and some other girls rush over to me. "Where does it hurt?" Me I asked looking at my leg "all o-over" i choked out from crying out in pain.

"What happened?!" I heard someone in panic I looked over and saw Harry with worry in his eye's. "She fell of the beam, you should go to the hospital" Mike said I shook my head no "no no no I don;t need to go"

"I'll take her" Harry offered "NO" i said sternly "Could you Harry?" Mike said looking at him and he nodded, he asked like he didn't hear me "I said  no, someone else can take me right?" i asked but by the time i finished i saw being lifted up by Harry. "I can walk on my own" i said which i obviously cant but i would rather suffer than be held my him. I sudden wave of pain went threw my leg. I cried out in pain and held onto my leg. Tears rolled down my chin as Harry placed me in the car. He gave me a sympathetic look as he shut the door. He rushed to the drivers side which was on the opposite side in America.

He got in and rushed to the hospital.

When we got there he picked me up again and jogged inside, I know it hurt's but he's acting like i just got shot or something. With those thoughts another wave of pain went threw my leg I cried in pain and buried my face into Harry's chest.

We finally got a doctor to look at me, hes examining my leg right now

"Ive never seen anything like this, Ive only heard of story's" He said looking confused at my leg not glancing up at me while he talked. "what do you mean?" I asked in panic

"You didn't break anything, you didn't sprain anything but your ankle joint and your knee joints, the bones are completely out of place" He said finally looking up at me

"How can you tell without and X-ray?" Harry asked "The way her leg is structured, there no way they are broke cause it doesn't look like this and if you just sprained it it wouldn't really look like anything, but your right i do need X-rays to confirm I'm right" he said I'm still scared of what gonna happen with gymnastics

"Well how do you fix it, will i be able to do my normal life things again?" i spoke really fast and panic clear in  my voice "Well that depends on what your normal life stuff is" he sat down and wrote some stuff down on his clip board "I'm a gymnast, I'm training to go to try out for the Olympic team, that's how this happened i fell off the beam cause i was thinking to hard, which you should never do because you flipping on 4 inches of room, and now I'm rambling can you help this hurts really bad" i rambled on because of the pain.

"Well you have to stay over night, and I'll get you some ice but Ill get back to you on the gymnastics" he said walking out the door and gave me a sad smile. I sighed and closed my eye's.

"Does it hurt really bad?" Harry asked from the chair besides me "Nooo it feels peachy" With strong sarcasm in my voice "yes it hurt's, Ive never been in more pain in my life, and you can go now you don't have to stick around cause you feel bad for me" i said looking at the ceiling "No I want to stay with you" he said tilting my chin to look at him. I looked in his eye's and he said something.

"What were you thinking about?" he asked pushing a strand of hair behind my ear "Us" I whispered and closed my eye's stopping the threatening tears. "You can cry in front of me" he whispered

"Do you know how embarrassed i was, I thought we were secretly dating and you just laughed at me" I whimpered at my own words.

"I'm so sorry" he said and started leaning in. His lips brushed against mine. He crashed his lips onto mine, fireworks went off it was a slow loving kiss. Things sterted heating up when he asked for permission for entrance in my mouth. I pulled him onto my bed by the collar of his shirt as he fell on top of me. I winced when he touched my leg a little and he pulled away.

"Sorry" he breathed resting his head on mine  "Don't be" i whispered. He crawled next to me and got under the thing blanket on the bed and i rested my head on his chest.

*On Hold* His Gymnast (Harry Styles Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now