Chapter 7 | Alexis

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After a few days of living with Evan, Habit and Vinny, and I haven't seen Lexi for a good while. I look for Habit to ask him about it, since I grantee that no one else would know. I found him inside the kitchen, he was sharpening his knifes, which wasn't a surprise. "Habit," He stops sharpening a blade, "HI Y/N, WHAT DO YOU NEED?" He asks. "I was thinking about something," I start, "I haven't seen my friend Lexi for a while and I don't know what she's been doing or how she is and, I thought you might be able to take me to her. Only for a few minutes please." I say.

"FINE, BUT ONLY THIS TIME." Habit sounding a bit pissed off, he then placed the knife down and came over to me and grabbed my hand. After we teleported we were in Lexi's living room, "Alexis?" I call out with no answer, "Lexi?" I call out again but a bit louder, but still no answer. I tried to walk towards her room but Habit puts a hand in front of me which stops me in my tracks, "What?" I say "I CAN SMELL BLOOD." He says, "Oh, she might be on her you know." I chuckle. Habit puts his arm down allowing me to move.

I walk towards to her room again, Habit followed behind. When I walked in, there was still no sight of her, but the bathroom door was closed. I went up to it and knocked, "Hello? Lexi, are you in here?" I say loud enough that she could hear my voice from in there, but still no answer. I try the door and instead of it being locked, it opened. What awaited for me inside was not at all what I expected. A new gory scene was in graved into my brain, Lexi's lifeless body laying in a tub. Blood seeped from almost every part of her what used to be soft and smooth skin. 

I scream, and my eyes start watering. I run over to the body and pick up her head, her lifeless eyes seemed to scream pain without any noise, "NO NO NO, PLEASE NO, COME BACK TO ME!" I scream at the limp bloody body and Habit enters the bathroom, seeing the bloody mess of a body and me sobbing over it. I bring her body close to me hugging it not giving a single fuck about anything else or the blood getting on me. "THIS IS NOT REAL, YOUR TOO FUCKING YOUNG TO DIE! PLEASE JUST COME BACK!" All my screaming was getting nowhere and doing nothing.

Her body laid still in my arms and I eventually gave up, tears still pouring from my eyes I slowly let her body out of my arms and lay back in the position I found her in and I went over to Habit and he had no expression but he reached out his hand for me to take and we went back home. I went up stairs into the room that I sleep in this house and curled into a corner and kept crying. _______________________________________________________________________________


I was listening to MSI while writing this, anyway yippee I wrote gore! There will be more though, I just wanted to write this. 

Have a good day/night

Yours truly,

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