The Rumble that Happened Because of Me

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*Trigger warning: mentions of sexual abuse and rape*

One week later, I was walking home from school when I saw them - the same group of menacing-looking guys that had attacked me a week ago. My heart began to race as I tried to think of what to do.

"What do you want?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

"We just want to have a little fun again," one of the guys said with a smirk.

I backed away slowly, but the guys kept advancing towards me. I was about to scream when I heard a voice from behind me.

"Hey, leave her alone!" Riff had arrived just in time. The guys turned around to face Riff, but he wasn't alone. The rest of the Jets had followed him, and they were all armed with chains and pipes.

"You guys picked the wrong girl to mess with," Riff said as he cracked his knuckles. The guys tried to put up a fight, but they were no match for the Jets. I watched in amazement as they took care of the gang with ease.

"Are you okay?" Riff asked as he turned to me.

I nodded, still in shock.

"Come on, we'll walk you home," Riff said as he put his arm around me.

The Jets walked me home, watching out for anymore trouble. I felt grateful for Riff and the Jets. They had saved me from another attack, and I knew I could count on them.

I gazed at Riff with gratitude. He had just saved me from the same fate as last week. But my relief quickly turned to concern as I noticed blood trickling down Riff's arm and face. I could see that he was wincing in pain, and he clutched his arm where he had been struck during the fight.

"Riff! You're bleeding!" I exclaimed, horrified.

"It's okay, Jules, really, it's just a scratch," Riff responded, trying to mask his discomfort.

I could tell that Riff was trying to play it cool, but I wasn't convinced. "Let me help you, I've got supplies inside." I insisted, leading him into her apartment.

Riff followed her, his arm still throbbing with pain. As they made their way to the kitchen, Ice spoke up, "Hey, I've got a cu---" But he stopped mid-sentence, silenced by Riff's piercing glare. It was clear that Riff didn't want anyone to make a fuss over him, but I was determined to tend to his injuries. I rummaged through her first-aid kit, cleaning Riff's wounds and dressing his cuts.

Finally, Riff let out a deep breath, relaxing. "Thanks, Jules," he said, his voice filled with gratitude. "I don't know what I would have done without you."

As I worked to clean and dress Riff's wounds, I couldn't help but feel a sense of tenderness towards him. I had always admired Riff's bravery and strength, but seeing him hurt and vulnerable tugged at my heartstrings.

As I worked, I stole glances at Riff, studying his chiseled features and rugged charm. I couldn't help but notice the way his eyes lingered on her, filled with a mixture of pain and gratitude.

In that moment, I felt my heart skip a beat. I had always been drawn to Riff, but seeing him in this vulnerable state made me realize just how much I cared for him. I tried to push the feeling aside, telling myself that now wasn't the time to explore my emotions. But as Riff took my hand in his and thanked her, I felt my resolve crumble.

"Thank you, Jules," Riff said softly, his gaze intense. "You're amazing."

I felt a warmth spread through my body at his words. I looked into his eyes and saw something I had never seen before - a vulnerability that made my heart ache.

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