The Rumble

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I needed to clear my head, the rumble at the forefront of my mind. I decided to take a walk to calm myself. As I walked nervously down the street, I spotted Tony walking towards me. He looked troubled, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over me. "Hey Tony, what's going on?" I asked, trying not to sound too worried.

Tony hesitated for a moment before responding. "Jules, I need to talk to you about something important. It's about Riff."

My heart sank at the mention of Riff's name. I couldn't help but wonder if something had happened to him. "What is it? Is he okay?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"He's okay, but he's been actin' strange lately," Tony said, looking at me with concern. "He bought a gun for the rumble."

My eyes widened in shock. "What? Riff bought a gun? Why would he do that?"

"I don't know," Tony said, shaking his head. "But I'm worried about him. He's been more aggressive than usual lately. I think he's taking this rumble too seriously."

I felt a sense of panic wash over me. I couldn't bear the thought of Riff getting hurt or worse, killed in the rumble. "What are we going to do?" I asked, feeling helpless.

"We need to talk to him, try to reason with him," Tony said, his tone firm. "We can't let him put his life in danger like this."

I nodded, feeling a sense of determination wash over me. I couldn't just sit back and do nothing. I had to do something to help Riff. Together, Tony and I set off to find Riff, hoping they weren't too late to stop him from making a dangerous mistake.

As we approached the salt shed, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The building was large and desolate-looking, with a rolling door that was only open about a foot. Tony tried to lift it up but struggled with the weight. That's when Chino appeared out of nowhere, without a word, and he helped Tony lift the door. I followed them inside as they closed the door behind us. The interior of the salt shed was dimly lit and filled with large piles of salt. Chino and Tony walked towards the two opposing groups, while I hesitated in the shadows, hoping Tony could diffuse the situation and avoid a confrontation.

Bernardo's hand trembles as it reaches for his pocket. With a menacing look in his eyes, he slowly pulls out a sharp, gleaming knife. As he turns around, the moonlight catches the blade, casting an eerie glow on his face. John, with a swift movement, grabs Riff's knife and tosses it towards him. Riff, with his muscles tensed and his body ready for action, steps forward to face Bernardo. However, the look on his face exposes his fear and uncertainty, and I can feel my heart sink with concern for the man I love. The air is thick with tension as the two men move towards each other, their knives at the ready. The two men, now armed with deadly weapons, engage in a fierce knife fight, their blades clashing and swiping at each other with deadly precision. The tension in the air is palpable as they circle each other, each looking for an opening to strike. Every fiber of my being is on edge as I watch the dangerous scene unfold before my eyes, hoping against hope that no one will get hurt.

As soon as I laid my eyes on him, my heart skipped a beat and came to an abrupt halt. All of a sudden, a deafening scream erupted from within me, shattering the silence around us. I tried hard to suppress the sobs that were about to take over, but they proved to be too overpowering. My body was trembling, my eyes were blurry with tears, and my mind was consumed with a feeling of utter despair. As I watched him turn and look at me, I saw the horror on his face as he realized I had just seen everything. The look of fear and helplessness in his eyes only added to my own sense of despair and hopelessness. I wanted to run over to him and hold him tightly, but my knees were trembling so hard that they gave out, leaving me kneeling on the floor, utterly devastated and inconsolable. Tears streamed down my face as I witnessed the heart-wrenching scene unfolding before me. Riff fell to the ground, Tony cradling his head in his arms. Pulling the knife out Tony charged up to Bernardo, stabbing it into his chest. The tension in the air was palpable as both sides charged towards each other, brandishing weapons ranging from baseball bats to chains and pipes. Fists flew and bodies collided in a flurry of motion, accompanied by the terrifying sound of metal hitting bone. The air was thick with shouting and grunting, punctuated by the occasional thud of a weapon landing. It was a chaotic and passionate fight, with neither side showing any signs of backing down. Amidst the chaos, I summoned all my strength to stand up and push my way through the fighting, desperate to reach Riff's side. As I finally made it to him, my heart sank at the sight before me. Riff lay motionless on the ground, his once vibrant skin now pale and lifeless. A dark crimson stain was spreading across his shirt. My heart was heavy with sorrow as I lowered Riff onto my lap, holding his head gently in my arms. Tears cascaded down my face, blurring my vision as I took in the gravity of the situation. Every second that ticked by felt like an eternity, and I knew that time was of the essence.

"Hey, girly," Riff's voice was barely a whisper.

"Shh shh, don't speak," I choked out, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Ain't nobody comin' for me, Jules," he muttered, his eyes closing slowly.

"Don't say that. Help is on the way. You're going to be okay," I said, desperation creeping into my tone. I placed my hands on his wound, applying pressure to stem the blood flow. I prayed that it would be enough to keep him alive a little longer.

But Riff knew the truth. "Julieta, it's not gonna work," he said weakly. I felt a lump form in my throat as tears streamed down my face.

"No, it has to, it has to," I cried desperately. "I love you," I whispered, hoping that my words could somehow keep him alive just a little bit longer. But before he could respond, his eyes fluttered closed and his body went limp.

"No! No no no no no! Riff! Riff wake up! Wake up!" I cried out, my voice shaking as I slapped his face in a futile attempt to bring him back to life. Between my sobs I heard the sound of approaching sirens, causing a small glimmer of hope. The rumble around me came to an abrupt halt and the boys scattered in different directions. Through my tear-filled eyes, I saw Tony rush over to Riff, his face twisted with anguish. He tried to reach for Riff but was quickly pulled away by the urgency of the situation. I felt a lump form in my throat as I leaned down and gently placed a kiss on Riff's lips, praying with all my might that it wasn't the last one.

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