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"Shut the fuck up, bitch" Adam cursed rudely at the white short haired woman that always held a scowl in front of him as he spotted a familiar H/c angel.

His eyes traveling down your body for a split second, admiring your large white wings with specks of golden fathers in them before taking off, a smug smirk placed on his face.

Y/n stoped walking as she heard wings flap and a presence land behind her, hands were placed on her shoulders.

"Well hello there too you too adam." Y/n said, a calm look on her face as she didn't need to turn around to know who it was.

"Hey babe, long time no see" Adam said forcefully spinning Y/n around to face him.

"Its only been a day Adam-" The poor girl didn't get to finish her sentence as Adam had interrupted her.

"A day too long babe~" Y/n took notice of the short white haired woman that appeared along side adam, Lute.

Y/n gave her a closed eye smile, earning a small one in return.

"Fuck out the way, bitch." Adam said with a scowl on his face, he forcefully grabbed onto lutes face pushing her away from Y/ns line of sight.

Y/n opened her eyes expecting to see lute but instead a Very close adam.

Y/n blinked, a blank look on her face as she stared at Adam confused on where lute went, before backing up.

Y/n felt Adam sneak his hand to her shoulder again, pushing her against his body as he started to walk, making Y/n walk along side him.

"So have you changed your mind? You know..about us fucking?" Adam said with a smirk on his face, his hands leaving Y/ns body and were instead placed besides his hips pushing back as he Thrusted his hips forward in a 'Fucking' motion.

"No, i haven't, and i don't plan on changing it any time soon." She said causing Adam to frown.

"I'm the lord of Dicks! Im the main Dick in this bitch-! im the Dick master! Why would you want other Dicks when you can have this one!? Pft whatever Angel tits-" Adam scoffed in anger and confusion, why didn't you want him? He was actually feeling something for you, something he hasn't felt in a long time, not since Eve or Lilith. This was different, it was stronger, he needed you and he was going to make sure he was going to have you.

You stoped and turned towards 'the lord of dicks' confused.

"Adam, i don't want to sleep with you or anyone for that matter, I think of you as a Friend, one of my best friends actually.." Y/n with a warm smile on her face, a hint of blush on her cheeks in embarrassment.

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