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--Y/N'S POV--

Charlie opened the door to her hotel and I looked inside hesitantly, I relaxed as I didn't see any torture weapons or any Demons.

Charlie helped me inside with a big smile.

I looked around noticing how nice it looked inside a little surprised even since it was hell.

I spotted a bar of some sort, i thought this was supposed to be a place of redemption?

I noticed a big eared cat demon? taking a swing of alcohol, his eyes traveled toward me, widening slightly but then going back to normal, a scowl placed on his face.

Not wanting to be rude I gave him a small smile in which he turned away too.

Charlie led me to a couch in the lobby and sat me down, being extra careful since my wing was injured.

"Okay Stay here, ill get some bandages and introduce you to the others!" She said excitedly.

I gave her a thankful smile and nodded before she ran off and up the stairs.

"Oh my Satan, Oh my Satan, Oh my Satan, Oh my Satan-!" I heard her repeatedly say as she ran up the stairs almost triping on the way up.

I chuckled a little at the sight, then looked around again, observing the little things i had missed.



As Alastor was about to take a bite out of the dead deer that laid on a table in front of him he Paused, his eyes narrowing slightly as his smile tightened.

He felt a familiar presence enter the Hotel, a presence he hasn't felt in a Long time.

His eyes widen ever so slightly for a split second before turning back to normal.

'No, it couldn't be.' The radio demon thought as he stood up from his seat, placing down the fork that had deer on it down infront of him. He dusted off the invisible dust on his red long coat before grabbing his radio cane.

The angel sat on the couch patiently waiting for Charlies return, ignoring the pain in her left wing as she did so.

"Woah Charlie slow down-What are you talking about?" A new voice rang in her ears, the angel turned her head towards the owner of the voice.

Yan!Hazbin Hotel x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now