4.~ GIFT

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With a yawn and a good stretch Y/n sat up from her bed, rubbing her eyes trying to get used to the brightness that inflated the room.

Her legs wobbled as she stood up from her bed, she walked towards the restroom trying to wake herself up. She looked at the mirror and looked at her messy hair.

She grabbed her brush that vaggie had brought but never used since her and Charlie share everything.

She combed her hair fixed it where it looked presentable, she grabbed a tooth brush that the hotel provided and brushed her teeth.

She striped off her Pj's and into the clothes Alastor(?) Had given her. She was surprised when she had unfolded the clothes to see a pair of black Mary jane shoes fall out, how did she not notice them? She quickly picked up the pairs of shoes admiring them.

The clothes she thought were a shirt and pants was actually a dress, a red one. The same color as Alstors suit. The angel slips on the dress, admiring the fabric and the color. The dress had two holes in the back for her wings.

The dress had ended just below her knees, it was loose and low cut, it had short loose sleeves that ended just past her shoulders.

She slips on the shoes, twirling in the mirror as she stares at herself, her wings poped out since they were a pearly white color. yep Alastor gave her this. It was clear on how it seemed so 1920s, so familiar to something she wore when she was alive, it reminded her of that time when her and Alastor were-

She jumped as a knock at the door rang through her room.

"C-coming-!" She yelled out steping out of the bathroom and walking towards the door. The closer she got the more clearer she heard a humming tune.

She unlocked her door the humming tune stoping, opening it she sees the Smiling radio demon.

"Hello dear! Glad you wore the dress I've gotten you! May I come in?" Alastor says waiting for the angels response.

"Oh-of course..!" She moved to the side allowing Alastor to past through, he stops infront of the body mirror, looking at Y/n though the mirror.

"I have a little gift for you darling." Alastor says turning around to face the angel.

"Oh Alastor you really shouldn't have-"

"Oh Shush now darling, i brought it as a welcome gift to welcome you to hell and the hotel! Now Close your eyes dear.." Alastor says with a smile as always.

Y/n looked at Alastor suspiciously before closing her eyes shut, she heard the snap of Alastors fingers and him moving around.

"Now open them.."

Y/n slowly opened her eyes, a smiled reaching her lips upon seeing a pearl necklace and bracelet that would go greatly with the dress she wore.

"Oh-woah..Alastor..i-i don't know what to say..their so beautiful..!" Y/n said at the lose for words, her hand tracing the pearls with her fingers.

Yan!Hazbin Hotel x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now