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The H/c haired angel woke from her slumber, her E/c eyes fluttering open slowly and tiredly. Her hands made their way up to her face rubbing her eyes as she slowly sat up. She looked around noticing the room she was in, where was she?

Memories from a couple hours ago flooded her head, a sigh coming out of her mouth before her lips curved into a small smile as she remembered her old friend was also here.

She climbed out of her comfy bed, and walks towards the body mirror that was placed on a wall by Alastor. She looks at herself noticing the white long gown that she wore, that had a slit at the knee down, she admired the gold jewelry that laid upon herself and the clothes she wore, her wings stood out she really did look like an angel.

she frowned her eyebrows as she noticed the small spects of dirt on her all white gown, she looked slightly dirty and she didn't like it. She would shower but she had no clothes, nor products to shower with. She also realized she had slept with her pure gold stared heels on, her feet starting to feel uncomfortable.

She walked away from the mirror and towards the door of her room, walking out she heard the voice of the demons she had just recently met. Following the voices she found herself at the lobby one again, she noticed everyone but Charlie.

"-A video camera" she heard vaggie say with an annoyed sigh.

The sound of Y/ns heels clicking on the stairs drew the attention of the others onto her.

"Oh finally, Toots is awake. I was getting a bored having to listen to Vagina here rant!" She heard Angel dust say with a smile as he patted to the side of him on the couch.

Y/n heard Vaggie growl in annoyance at Angel dust words.

Y/n sat in the middle of the couch, Angel dust to the left of her and Husk to the right while Niffty was behind her smelling her hair, sighing in satisfaction as she sniffed one more time.

Y/n not knowing what to do just stayed still, she didn't really know these demons, other then Alastor and she didn't want to get on their bad side.

"Niff stop it." Husk said annoyed causing Niffty to whine again before hopping onto Y/ns lap hugging her clingingly.

Y/n smiled at this not minding the closeness at all anymore.

She looked up towards vaggie who had a video camera in her hand.

"What are we doing?" Ask the H/c angel.

"Oh-um while charlies out in a meeting were recording a commercial for the hotel." As vaggie spoke Y/n nodded her head, charlie was at a meeting?

"You won't be doing anything my dear, can't let Hell knowing there's an Angel on the loose!" Alastor said with a chuckle.

"Can't believe I'm saying this but Alastors right Y/n, if Hell knew that there's an Angel in Hell, Satan knows what they would do." Y/n held a small frown at Vaggies words but agreed, she did want to be apart of this commercial to show how Grateful she was for charlie taking her in.

Yan!Hazbin Hotel x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now