5.~ HELL

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––Y/N'S POV––

I was walking down a Street of Hell with Alastor, he was walking beside me, never leaving my side. His hands placed behind his back and a smile plastered on his face as he stared ahead.

I looked away not glancing around with a excited smile finally getting the chance to explore hell!

i noticed fire, blood, Demons fighting, killing everywhere. It was total chaos causing my smile on flatter slightly.

Noticing alastor had stoped, I had stoped too. I noticed we were standing infront of a run down building..?

"This is it my dear!" Just as the words left his mouth he walked in the run down building, not noticing before that he had linked his arms with mine and pulled me in with him.

"Well hello there!" Alastor said to the worler who looked bored out of her mind. The worker only glanced up at the Alastor and me making me give her a little wave that she ignored looking down at her phone, chewing on her gum loudly.

"What do you want"

"To get my suit tailored of course!" Alstor says ignoring the workers attitude.

"Kay." And with that the female worker placed her phone down and spat out her gum that she was chewing in the trash but missed.

Alstor payed no mind to this as he led himself on top of a stand of sorts standing with his back straighted with a smile.

As I began to walk my way towards Alastor the woman stops me.

"Who are you?" She says with an attitude her eyebrow raised.

"She is with me." Alastor butted in.

"Well unless she's getting tailored or buying something, she ain't staying in here, there's chairs outside sweet cakes go and take a seat." The worker said turning around facing a eye twitching Alastor.

"HaHa I'm afraid she will be staying here with me, whether you like it or not. She will not leave my side." Alastor said with a hint of anger and annoyance. The worker finally seemed to recognize the demon who stood before her, she swallowed her spit nervously.

"U-um..Rules ar-are rules, im sorry I don't make them.." the worker slumped slightly at alastors glare as I stood, glancing between the two.

"Alastor, its okay ill wait outside-!and plus it's not like you can't see me, ill be right there-!" I said point to a chair that was infront of the glass that had mannequins inside posing off the clothes the store held.


Alstor only let out a hum, annoyed and ticked off, he was sure going to hunt down this worker and take pleasure doing so.

With a smile Y/n left through the door and sat down, leaving the now nervous worker standing infront of lastor who seemed to be in a bad mood.

Alastor could have easily killed the worker but Y/n was here, he had to be the man she knew before she died.

His eyes never left the H/c figure, that sat outside, it was obvious how nervous she was by the way her leg anxious moved up and down but she tried to cover up her nervousness with smile,, though it seemed as if no one noticed the angel, the other demons were off Killing eachother or doing other sinful things.

She looked around, her smile turning to a frown as she looked at the demons hurting eachother, getting high, drinking, she felt her heart ach at the sight. She has never seen such a sight, of course they were in hell and they probably did some sinful things to be in here, but there has to be second chances right?

If an angel from Heaven breaks any rules at all or sins they get thrown out, become fallen. What if there was a way for these sinners to be redeemed like Charlie said? Become good and become an angel? It doesn't make sense if an angel can be sent to hell and a demon can't be sent to heaven, it just doesn't.

She was cut out of her thoughts by a flash, she looked up noticing a gaping demon, her mouth wide open the gum in her mouth could be seen, a phone infront of her facing the angel.

"Holly fucking shit-! An angel-in hell!" With that the demon typed on her phone and within the next couple of seconds everyones hellphone could be heard Ringing of a notification.

It didn't take long before more demons noticed the angel, either with a look of anger, lust or shock causing the angel to look back with a look of fear.

The demons began to crowd her, She had completely forgotten about Alastor, getting out of this crowd of blood thirsty demons was her first priority.
As they began to crowd her. There was no way out, everywhere were demons..except..

Y/n Spread out her wings, she winced slightly as they weren't healed completely yet, without a second she boosted up, flying high in the air, she quickly headed away from the crowd but she lost control as the injured wing wasn't moving in sync with the other, she tried her best to stay up before the injured wing gave out.

She was falling, again.

She was heading towards a very Tall build it stood out, but she wasn't focused on the building as she was focused on protecting herself.

She noticed she was heading stright to the top of the building, huge Glass windows and it seemed she was going to crash into them, the wings covered her body as she spinned directly into the glass windows.

She crashed through the glass, sliding against the golden colored tiled floor, her back hit against a table, it stopped her from hitting anymore things.

Glass was everywhere, in her wings and on the floor, on the furniture of the unknown room building she had crashed into. surprising the glass was all she had broken.

Her wings opened slightly but stoped in pain causing her to groan in pain, she glanced around trying to see where she had ended up, her blurred vision wasn't doing much for her as she looked around blurred portraits of the same demon in different positions entered her vision, she frowned her eyebrows in confusion.

Suddenly Footsteps entered her Ringing ears along with glass cracking under the unknown demons shoes. a pair of heeled boots entered her vision, her eyes glanced up to see a blurred face of a smiling, purple(?) skined demon, he wore heart glasses, and a cigarette in his mouth.

His smile never left his face, not even at the sight of destruction she had caused in his room. His eyes looked at her as if she was his prey, his next target. She hated this feeling this demon was giving off.

The moth demon pulled out his cigarette, blowing out pink smoke that formed into a heart onto Y/ns face, she felt even more dizzy as she had inheld the smoke, her pupils forming into pink hearts.

"Hmm..~" The moth demon hummed out with a smile as he stared down at the injured angel.

"Sleep tight.." the moth demon said as he stood up straight, his eyes looking at Y/n's now sleeping figure.

Hello everyone!!!

I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!! I WAS SO BUSY, I had a event i had to go too and I couldn't find my charger😭

I know this is a VERY short chapter but I just wanted to update to show yall that I'm still here!

I'm already working on the other chapter so hopefully it'll be out in the next 2 days!!

Love yall, Muah😘😘

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