2 - Cinzia

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Cinzia handed the middle-aged woman her latte, watching as the woman took it and left without so much as a thank you. But Cinzia didn't expect much. The woman was known for being rude to everyone.

Once the glass door closed behind the woman, Cinzia stretched her arms in the air before heading to the back counter.

The small café she worked at was quiet with no one around except for the staff which was just her and Ray who was working in the back. And with the silence of no one being around, Cinzia's mind began wondering to places she did not want it to wonder.

She tried to focus on the mugs she was washing, counting each mug she cleaned to keep her mind off the one topic that hurt her the most.


Finally giving up, Cinzia reached for her phone and earphones. Maybe some music would distract her mind. She placed one earphone in, wanting to keep an ear out in case someone walked in.

But that was unlikely. Nobody came around this time.

After a few minutes of washing mugs, Cinzia moved to organizing things and refilling the sugar and coffee beans for the different coffees sold.

A sudden ting of the door bell pulled her away from her task and she turned to see a man entering. 

He was quite tall with an athletic build and short, curly hair. His eyes were bright green and his skin was pale. He was dressed in jeans and wore a sweater despite the hot weather.

"Hi! How can I help you, today?" Cinzia greeted as he walked over to the counter.

He stared at her for a moment before smiling. "Could I get two plain coffees and six mooncakes?"

"Sure but we only have four left. Would you like to get some other cakes instead?" Cinzia explained.

"They're as popular as ever." The man mused before taking a step back to look at the glass counter holding various cakes and treats. "Do you have any recommendations?"

"The lava cakes are new and really good. Second only to the mooncakes." Cinzia paused for a second before letting her curiosity get the better of her. "Are you a regular?"

She had never seen the man before but he seemed to know their mooncakes were popular. Granted, she had only been working at the café for the last six months when she moved to the city for a fresh start.

And to get away from the disaster Gary had caused back home...

"Kind of." The man shrugged. "And I'll take two lava cakes. Takeaway."

"Alright." Cinzia nodded and quickly added the order into the register, telling the man the price.

He nodded and handed her some money which she placed in the register before handing him the change and receipt. Their hands grazed briefly and Cinzia felt a spark, quickly pulling her hand away.

She then moved to make the coffee, trying to ignore the tingling feelings in her. As the coffee machine was walking, Cinzia grabbed a box and started placing the cakes inside the box.

By the time she placed the box on the counter, the coffee machine was done and she moved to finish making the coffee. She then placed them in a dual cup holder and next to the cardboard box holding the cakes.

"Here you go." Cinzia said as she handed the man his food and drinks.

The man took it and smiled. "Thanks."

Cinzia smiled back, a genuine smile for once, watching as the man left the café once again. As the door closed behind, Cinzia heard a whistle.

Cinzia looked to see Ray leaning against the kitchen door frame. Ray was a few years older than her and was the mastermind behind all the cakes and treats in the café. His thick arms bulged as he crossed them over his chest.

"What?" Cinzia asked.

"Nothing." Ray shook his head, his brown eyes gleaming.

"Tell me."

"Well I haven't seen that man for a year now. He's always coming and going."

"You know him?" Cinzia asked as handed him the empty cake tray.

Ray shrugged as he took the tray. "Somewhat. He's some historian who sometimes comes here to study stuff."

"Oh." Cinzia murmured, a little surprised.

He didn't seem like the historian type but it did explain what he meant that he was kind of a regular at the café.

Cinzia shook her head. She shouldn't be judging people. Instead she should be focusing on her job. There were a few hours left of work after all.


When Cinzia got home to her apartment, night had fallen over the city. Cinzia opened the door to her apartment to find her roommate running around like a panicked hen.

"Beth?" Cinzia said as she entered their small rental. "You okay?"

"Oh I'm fine. Just looking for my wallet." Beth answered.

"It should be in the third drawer." Cinzia sighed as she placed her purse down and removed her shoes.

"Thanks darling." Beth smiled as she went to the hallway cupboard. "By the way, I'm heading out, wanna come?"

Cinzia looked at Beth, seeing she was in a short, black dress. Her party outfit and what she called her 'getting laid' outfit. Her long, brown hair was done in an artful updo and she wore some makeup, highlighting her beautiful hazel eyes.

"Where exactly will be heading?" Cinzia asked.

"I'm thinking the bar on Main. Going to meet some friends." Beth explained. "We might go to the club later."

"And  you're going to find a man." Cinzia joked.

"Yip. It's been a while and I'm killing two birds with one stone." Beth grinned widely before pausing for a moment. "You should come. Get that bastard out of your system."


"Don't Beth me, Cin. That bastard did a real number on you. It's been six months and you're still..." Beth waved her hand around. "Besides, I think going out will distract your mind. And you never know, there might be someone who interests you."

 Cinzia sighed. Beth was right. It had been a while since she had gone out and done something fun. Maybe going out would finally help her get over Gary.

"Fine, I'll come. But I'm not wearing that dress."


Thanks for reading.

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