6 - Zorion

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As Zorion made his way back home after having breakfast with Cinzia, he wondered what possessed him to ask her out to a movie. It wasn't like their relationship was a serious one.

It was a one-night stand.

He was meant to leave in the morning before Cinzia woke up like he always did with on-night stands. Instead, Zorion found himself going to the grocery shop downstairs and buying stuff to make breakfast. And before he knew it, they had a date.

Me and my stupid mouth. Zorion sighed inwardly. At least Cinzia is keeping it causal so this is just going to be a fling for a week.

Still, he didn't like that he was breaking all his rules about relationships. What suddenly made Cinzia so different from the others that he was breaking rules?

Maybe it was because this was his first intimate touch with another person in three years. Yeah it had to be that. There was no other explanation for this weirdness.

Zorion shook his head in frustration. Whatever. Just enjoy the distraction for the week. That should be enough time to get this weirdness out your system.

With that thought, Zorion walked for a few more minutes before he entered his apartment building. And sure enough, Mike was slouching in his chair, snapping an eye open as he entered before closing it again.

Zorion wonder if Mike just pretended to sleep so others wouldn't talk to him. It was something the grumpy old man was likely to do.

"Good morning Mike." Zorion greeted as he headed towards the counter.

"There's nothing good about this morning seeing you're around so early in morning. Do you not have anything better to do besides harassing this old man?" Mike grumbled.

Despite Mike being rude as usual, Zorion smiled. With all the craziness happening, it was nice to some things were still the same.

"Come now Mike. We both know you love these interactions." Zorion mused. "You may act like you hate us bonding but you still let them happen."

"Hmph!" Mike huffed, opening an eye. "Enjoy last night?"

"It was good..." Zorion answered.

"Doesn't sound like it was just good. But I won't push unlike a certain someone." Mike said. "Just be careful."

"Of course Mike. I would never do something stupid." Zorion stated.

"That's exactly what someone who just did something stupid would say." Mike retorted without missing a beat.

Zorion frowned. "Come now Mike. When have I ever done something stupid?"

"You want a list of everything or the top ten ranking?" Mike asked.

"Forget it." Zorion sighed. He was quiet for a moment, gazing at Mike. "Hey Mike. Can I ask a question?"

"You're going to do it anyway." Mike sighed.

Zorion took the answer as permission. "Well, I was actually wondering about Jorden. Everyone says he was a great agent but you and Grace never talk about him..."

Zorion stopped talking as he noticed Mike's body go still. It seemed even after so much time had passed, Mike was still not ready to talk to Zorion about Jorden.

Him and Grace.

He wasn't sure why they were so against talking about an agent that was deemed a hero among them. They were the closest people to him. And why did everyone go quiet about him whenever they were around? What was so bad about him?

Questions filled Zorion's mind but he kept silent. The look on Mike's face told him he had gone too far this time.

"Look kid..." Mike suddenly sighed. "Some things should stay buried in the past."

"Sorry. I was just curious... I didn't mean-" Zorion started.

Mike stared at him with sad eyes. "I know... But curiosity killed the cat. So don't go any further."

Mike then shut his eyes and turned his chair slightly away from the counter. Zorion knew Mike didn't want to speak to him any longer. He had pushed too far.

Zorion ran a hand through his hair in frustration before heading up to his apartment. Maybe it was best that he just focused on the movie date this afternoon.

There was no point in digging up the past when it would hurt others.


"Recent reports show an increase in vandalism and crime around the downtown area. Police have warned this is an organized group and ask that people stay alert. There have already been multiple stab-"

Zorion switched the channel with the remote before heading to his cupboard to find some clothes. He needed to get ready for the movie and the news was just going to distract him.

Besides, it wasn't like he could do anything about what was happening. Even if he wanted to.

Humming to the music of some cartoon now playing on the t.v., Zorion quickly got dressed in some jeans and a dress shirt, wanting to have a causal look while still being a little formal too.

Once he checked to make sure his hair was neat enough, Zorion switched off the t.v. and headed to the kitchen to grab his wallet, phone and keys.

He hated the silence of the apartment, quickly heading out. He passed Mike who was now reading a newspaper. Zorion thought of greeting him but after this morning he decided against it.

I've done enough damage for one day. Zorion thought to himself. Any more pushing and Mike will probably never speak to me again.

Zorion wandered the streets for a few minutes, enjoying the bustling city. Everything was so different to his home city. Well, it wasn't really his home city, just the headquarters of I.T.T.U. where he happened to stay when he wasn't time traveling.

He glanced at his phone, seeing he had ten minutes to get to the movie theater. The two had planned to meet there and now he was running a little late, having been distracted by the sights.

Hurrying to the theater, Zorion noticed Cinzia was standing at the entrance, nervously clutching a small bag. He stared at her for a few moments thinking she looked cute wearing a purple sundress and heels with her hair down.

How he would love to slowly take that dress off and-

Realizing what he was doing, Zorion shook his head quickly before walking over to her. She beamed at him upon seeing him and Zorion couldn't help but smile back.

"Hey. Have you been waiting long?" Zorion asked.

Cinzia shook her head. "No, just got here."

"Good." Zorion paused for a moment. "Anything you want to watch?"

He knew the plots of all the movies showing so he didn't really care about what they watched. As long as it was something Cinzia wanted to watch.

"No... I don't really watch movies often so I'm not sure what there is." Cinzia answered sheepishly.

Zorion nodded in understanding. "That's fine. I'm sure we can pick a good movie."

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