4 - Cinzia

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Trigger Warning: Sexual Themes (PG16)

*Skip to the end if you don't wish to read that - I'll put a summary in my author's note*

Cinzia pressed through the dancing crowd, trying to get to where Beth was dancing. At least the general spot where Beth had been. Cinzia had gone to get them some water and lost track of her friend on the dance floor a few minutes ago.

Moving her head to side to look for Beth, Cinzia suddenly bumped into someone. She stared at the defined chest covered with a thin, black shirt in a daze for a moment before turning her head up.

Her mouth went dry as she found herself gazing upon the historian who had come by the café this morning, the loud music around them disappearing. She noticed he was more handsome up close and felt that weird tingling feeling from this morning go through her.

"Hey." The man drawled, looking at her sheepishly as he leaned closer to speak over the music. "Sorry about that."

Cinzia tried to ignore how his breath tickled her cheek. "It's fine... I should have been-"

"Cinzia!" A voice cried out as someone threw themselves on her shoulders.

The man straightened up and took a step away from her as Cinzia turned her head in surprise wondering who had thrown themselves on her. She calmed down upon seeing Beth, who was grinning crazily at her and wriggling her eyebrows.

"I see you found someone interesting." Beth whispered in her ear as she grabbed a water bottle from Cinzia. "The apartment is all yours if you'd like to take things further."

"I just bumped into him." Cinzia hissed in a low tone. "Besides I can't sleep with a regular at the café."

Beth raised an eyebrow. "Sure... That drooling face of yours was just a fragment of my imagination. You were totally not thinking about fuc-"

"Beth!" Cinzia felt heat rush to her face at her friend's words.

"All I'm saying is I won't be at the apartment..." Beth shrugged. "Take it as you will. I'm just saying he could-"

"Ahem!" The man cleared his throat loudly getting the two ladies' attention. "If you don't mind, I'll be going then... See you."

The man moved passed them, going to leave when Cinzia suddenly reached out and grabbed his arm. She wasn't sure was possessed her to do what she did but she figured it was about time she got over Gary.

Beth was right. It was time to move on and take a chance.

"You mind if I get you a drink?" Cinzia asked as the man turned to her in surprise. "To apologize..."

"Apologize?" The man murmured, his eyes glowing as he gave her an amused look. "Is that all?"

"No... I'm interested in you." Cinzia replied, biting her lip nervously.

Maybe she was being to forward. What if he wasn't interested or had a partner? Her mind was going crazy with every worst case scenario making Cinzia wonder how Beth made it look so easy.

He however took her fears away when he ran a thumb over her lip, stopping her from biting it. "I guess I could get a drink."

Cinzia nodded unable to say anything. The man grinned and pulled her to his side, hand resting on her waist before pulling her away from the dance floor.

At the corner of her eye she spotted Beth grinning madly and doing a fist pump in the air.

The two walked to the bar, the man turning to her when they got to the counter. "Want anything?"

"I thought I was getting you a drink." Cinzia frowned.

The man smiled and moved to the side so she could get to the counter. "Get me a soda then."

"No alcohol?" Cinzia asked in surprise.

Call her stupid but it was really rare for her to meet someone who didn't like alcohol. Maybe it was because she grew up in an area where seeing people drink was a normal thing.

"I don't like it." The man shrugged.

"Understandable." Cinzia nodded before leaning over the bar counter.

When the bartender got to her, she got a soda and paid for it. Cinzia then gave the man his soda and the two headed to one of the corner booths where it was a little more silent.

"So..." Cinzia paused for a moment, realizing she didn't know the man's name.

"Zorion." The man answered her silent question before taking a sip of his soda.


"Cute name."

Cinzia felt herself blush. "Thanks... So, Zorion what brings you here?"

"Needed a distraction." Zorion answered, placing his half empty soda down. "You?"

"Same." Cinzia answered. "Wanna have some fun..."

She felt a little awkward, small talk not really being her thing. Cinzia wondered how Beth did it so effortlessly and made it look easy. Because it definitely wasn't. Zorion suddenly moved closer to her until their faces were inches apart.

"How far?" Zorion asked, distracting her mind for a moment.

"All the way." Cinzia murmured.

She bit her lip for a second before deciding to go for it. 

Cinzia crashed her lips onto his soft ones. Zorion immediately slid a hand into her hair, drawing them closer. His other hand moved to her hip, pulling her onto his lap.

Cinzia wrapped her arms around his neck as their kiss deepened. She moaned against his mouth, their kiss awakening parts of her she had long forgotten existed. Zorion took this opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth.

As their tongues danced, Cinzia slid her a hand down his chest, feeling his defined chest, while her other moved up to feel his soft, curly hair. 

Zorion meanwhile moved his hand up her hip, gazing the underside of her breast through the fabric of her dress. Suddenly, something hard poked Cinzia thigh as she moved in his lap.

Zorion pulled away, his eyes dark with lust and breath heavy from their kissing. Cinzia felt upset but they needed to stop before they did something inappropriate.

"You wanna take this somewhere else?" Cinzia panted. "My place maybe?"

"What about your friend?" Zorion asked.

"It's fine. I'll just send a text." Cinzia replied.

If she went to tell Beth she was leaving with Zorion, who knew what Beth would do. The girl was crazy when she was supportive of something.

Zorion was silent for a moment before he nodded his head. "Sure let's go."

He got up, pulling Cinzia up with him. Cinzia quickly pulled her dress down, it having ridden up her thighs when Zorion pulled her onto his lap.

She moved her hands to her hair, now a mess, but before she could straighten it, Zorion pulled her out the club like a man on a mission.


Cinzia went to a club with Beth. Met Zorion and they kissed before leaving the club.

Anyway, hoped you enjoyed the chapter.

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