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"You have two quirks. 1. Shadow: You can hide in the shadows and you can create things out of the shadows, for example, a sword or a t-shirt; 2. Wolf: You have wolf ears, a wolf tail and fangs as a human, but you can hide them and you can turn into a full wolf."

These words destroyed Izukus life.

After Izukus parents got told that he doesn't only has one, but two quirks, his parents counted as villainous, his life went down hill. His parents started abusing him and the only person who knew from it was Katsuki or, as Izuku called him, Kacchan. Izuku once told him that he was getting abused by his parents and Katsuki wanted to tell it to his parents, but he promised Izuku he wouldn't do it.

Over the years, the abuse started to get more and more. At the age of 8, Izuku couldn't do it anymore and ran away. He wrote Katsuki a letter, made him a box with a necklace with a K for Kacchan and a I for Izuku on it, and laid it on Katsukis window. On the letter stood:

Hi Kacchan,
I'm sorry to say this, but I don't think we will see each other again. Tonight I'm running away from home because the abuse got too bad. In the box besides this letter is a necklace so you never forget me. I have the same necklace. Please don't tell anyone about this letter. I hope you forgive me.
Till we see each other again,

Izuku found an abandoned building in which he started to live. He learned to fight and bought a "vigilante outfit" (it was just a black hoodie with green lines and a hood, black jeans and his red shoes in black, a picture of it is in the info chapter). He earned the money he needed as he worked in a coffe shop. In his disguise he had dark blue hair and blue/violet eyes. His freckles were covered with make-up (a picture is in the info chapter). His ears were visible when he was a vigilante, but in his disguise they weren't visible.

At the age of 12 he already saved more than 150 people (he started at the age of 10).

This is were the story starts.

(390 words)

I hope you liked the prologue, the next chapter will come soon.

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