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"I'm gonna ask you question, and you will answer them truthfully, understood? And remember, I know if you say the truth or if you lie." Tsukauchi told me after we sat down in his office. Tsukauchi sat behind his table and I sat in front of him, Eraser stood behind me. "Understood" It's not like I had a choice. "Good, let's begin."

(T-Tsukauchi / I-Izuku / A-Aizawa)

T: "How old are you exactly?"

I: "13"


T: "Ok, when did you start with being a vigilante?"

I: "with 10"


A: "This young?!"

I: "Yep"

T: "Now, do you have family?"

I: "I dont know"


T: "Where do you live?"

I: "With a friend"


T: "Where do you REALLY live?"

I: "inaabandonedbuilding"


T: "Could you say this loud enough that we understand it too?"

I: "I live in a abandoned building"


T: "Do you live with someone?"

I: "No"


T: "What is your real name?"

I: "I'm not telling you that"

T: "Ok, now the final question. Why are you a vigilante?"

I: "..."

A: "Please tell us"

I: "Why would I?!"

A: "So we can help you"

I: "Ok, but be prepared"

A+T: "Understood"

I: "Till I turned four my life was perfect. I had loving parents who always cared for me. They never hit me or even screamed at me. But when I turned four, everything changed. We went to the doctor since we all wanted to know what my quirk was. When we got told what my quirks were, my parents declared the quirks as villainous. They hated me for that and started abusing me. First, they only hit me, but the abuse got more and more the older I got. At the age of 8 I couldn't do it anymore and ran away. I found an abandoned building and began teaching myself to fight. In the beginning I stole money and food, since I couldn't get a job, but at the age of 9 I could babysit or take care of the dog from someone. I didn't get much money, but it was enough to buy food, water and clothes, a blanket, my vigilante outfit, the voice changer which I broke, and things to fight, ya know knifes, things like that. At the age of ten I finally started my vigilante work, after two years of training. At the age of twelve I already saved more than 150 people. Now I'm 13 and I didn't really save people, I just took a organization down, since they would of done very bad things in the future. And here I am."


T: "Wow, that is much. Can you tell"

A:" Tell me the names of you parents. Now. I have some business with them."

I: "Sorry, but I'm not telling you"

T: "Can I talk now without being interrupted?"

A+I: "Yes"

T: "Good. Now, do you think there is someone who misses you?"

I: "Yes"


T: "Who do you think or know misses you?"

I: "My best friend, we were really close."


T: "Ok, what is with the necklace you have?"

I: "...What?!"

A: "We can see the necklace you have"

I: "Promise you won't take the necklace away from me"

A+T: "Promise"

I: "It is from my best friend, he has the same necklace. I gave it to him the day I left."


T: "What is your quirk?"

I: " Are. I have two quirks. The first one is named wolf, because of this I have wolf ears and a wolf tail. I also can turn into a wolf and I can hide the wolf features. My 2nd quirk is shadow. I can hide in the shadows and I can make things like knifes out of shadows."


A: "The wolf quirk was obvious, you always have wolf features when I see you doing your vigilante work. But the shadow quirk, why didn't you hide in the shadows when I chased you?"

I: "Quirk drawback, when I hide longer than one hour in the shadows I get bad headache and can't use my quirk. With my wolf quirk it is that when I hide my features longer than one hour I get dizzy, since they belong to me."


T: "Ok, do you have a name for when you want to do something as a citizen? If yes, what is your name and how do you look in you disguise?"

I: "My disguise name is Haru Yamato and I have violet/gray hair with violet/blue eyes."


T:" Ok, me and Eraser are gonna talk outside and then we will tell you what will happen to you"

I: "Ok"

Eraserhead and Tsukauchi walked out and I was alone in this room. There weren't any windows, so I didn't have a choice but to wait for what will happen to me.

(815 words)

Two updates in two days. Yay. I'm just writing to get my thoughts to something different since I'm very sad since the past two days. But hey. I got two chapters out.

I wrote this chapter today and I never thought that it would be that easy for me to write this much (yes for me this is much, even if it probably isn't really much)

Bye, please vote in the last chapter which one from them I should take, since regarding your choice, I could need it in the next chapter.

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