1:Eraserhead met Kage Okami

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There most likely will be Izus POV, other than 3rd POV, etc.

Izu POV:

'Fuck!' I jumped from roof to roof with Eraserhead following me. Since I overused my quirk I had a bad headache and couldn't even hide in the shadows, which was shitty, since I had to get away from Eraserhead fast.

Any other hero would have already lost track of me, but Eraserhead didn't lose track of me, even tough he already chased me for two hours.

I looked behind me and didn't see Eraser, to which I slowed down, since I was already on patrol for four hours without a break. I started at 9 p.m and at the moment it was 1 a.m. I jumped in an alleyway and sat down, since I needed to rest a bit and it didn't look like Eraser was still on my trail.

Suddenly I heard a thud, and before I could even release that there was someone with me in the alleyway, I was wrapped in something gray. I tried to wriggle out of the gray thing, but it was useless, I couldn't get out of it, regardless to how much I tried to.

"Finished?" I could hear Ersaer say. "What do you want from me?" I was curious, since the heroes who tried to capture me always just tied me up and tried to bring me to the police station. "What do you think I want from you? Isn't it obvious what I want from a vigilante who was on in the run for 3 years?" Eraser said sarcastically, which upset me, it's not like I didn't know why they wanted to capture me. It was just strange for me that he talked with me instead of just tying me up. "Just shut up and let me go." "How old are you?" Eraser wondered. 'Shit, I forgot that my voice changer is broken!' "Why?" "Well, you sound really young and you act a bit like the kids in my class. Tough, you sound younger than they. They are mostly 15 so you probably are between 12-14." Eraserhead suggested. "H-how!" 'Shit, I shouldn't of said that.' "So you are between 12 and 14?" I didn't answer, which was as dumb as answering yes. "I'll take your silence as a yes. Then, I will take you to the police station and there will be discussed what will happen to you, since you are to young to go to jail." 'No, no, no!' I tried to get out of his hold, but his scarf was too tight around me. Eraser just started walking, and ignored that I tried to break free. Soon I just stopped trying, since it was hopeless.

After what felt like hours (it were 15 minutes) we "finally" arrived at the police station. As Eraser walked in, with me still wrapped up in his scarf, the police officers looked at us with wonder in the eyes.

"Oh, hello Eraser. I see you have Kage Okami with you?" a man with straight, short black hair walked to us. "Hello Tsukauchi. Like you noticed, I have Kage Okami with me, could we go to your office to talk in peace?" "Of course Eraser, come with me."

(604 words)

The first real chapter is finished! : )

How was it? Did you like the chap? What do you think about it? Did I do good?


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