3: new home

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(It will always be Izukus POV. Only when I say that it is a different pov it will be a different pov)

After ten minutes, Eraser and Kauchi finally came back in the room I was in.

I: Then, what will happen with me?

T: Well, we will give you two optio...

A: You will come and life with me, there is no other option.

T: Aizawa!

A: He will come with me. If he wants or not isn't my problem. Now problem child, come here.

I: Why should I?

A: You have two options: You come here by yourself and walk with me without making problems or I will drag you with me. What do you choose?

I: I'm taking option one. I'm not gonna let myself me dragged by a coffee addicted caterpillar.

A: What did you just call me?

I: Nothing

A: Just come

I wasn't that dumb to tell Eraser what I said. I don't wanna die... ok, maybeeeee I want to die, but not like that. If I die, I want to die with action, instead of being killed by a pro hero.

We walked out of the room I was in. As we walked trough the police station the people who were there stared at us, but I just ignored it. When we were finally out of the police station, I decided to try to run.
Eraser saw it and captured me with his scarf, before I could get away. Did you really think Eraser would let me get away?

He walked to his black car and seated me in the backseat. As I tried to open the door it wouldn't open. When Eraser saw my confused look, he told me that he locked the door, so he was the only one who could open it. How is that fair?

After what felt like years (it were only 27 minutes) we arrived at Erasers house. 'I wonder if his husband is here? And does he have kids?'

I: Hey Eraser?

A: First, call me Aizawa or Shota. Second, what the fuck do you want?

I: Ey, don't need to get aggressive. But ok, do you and your husband have kids Dadzawa?

A: How the fuck...? Yes me and Hizashi have a son, he is your age. And DON'T call me Dadzawa

I: But..

A: No buts, just come with me, I will introduce you to my family

I got out of the car after Dadzawa opened the door for me, and we walked to the front door of his house. He opened the door with a key and walked in, sadly only after I walked in. Dadzawa locked the door after we were both in the house.

A man with yellow hair ran to Dadzawa and hugged him.

(H: Hitoshi, Hi: Hizashi, S: Shota, I: Izu)

Hi: SHOOOTaaaaa

S: Hi, could you call Hitoshi? We have a guest who will live with us for a while.

Hi: Of course. HITOOOSHIIIIII!!!! Come down here is someone who you have to meet

H: Ok, I'm coming

A boy with purple hair and a tired look walked down the stairs. When he was here he looked at me and then looked at the loud blonde and at Dadzawa.

H: Who is this?

A: I will explain it to you and Hizashi when we sit down.

H: Ok

We walked to the couch and sat down. Dadzawa and I sat on one side, and the other two sat on the other site.

I: Can we introduce each other? I want to know who they are

A: Ok, we introduce us and then I will explain everything

A: The man with the blond hair is my husband Hizashi Yamada, he has a other last name since we didn't want villains or the press to know that we are together. The purple haired boy is our son Hitoshi Shinso, he has a other last name for the same reason as my husband. Hitoshi is the same age as you.

A: Hitoshi, Hizashi, this is the vigilante I tried to arrest for a long time. We don't know his real name, but he has a disguise name, it is Haru Yamato, so just call him Haru, since he will live with us for a long time. He is the same age as you Hitoshi, could you show him his room?

H: Ok, it's the room next to mine or?

As Aizawa nodded Hitoshi told me to follow him and brought me to a room. The room was beautiful and when Hitoshi went out of the room I flipped on the bed.

'Maybe it will be good to live here. I'm not gonna think about it, I need sleep. Didn't sleep in four days.'

What his room looks like:

(Just Imagine that the yellow things are green)(The rest of the room is to your imagination)

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(Just Imagine that the yellow things are green)
(The rest of the room is to your imagination)


Yay, a new chapter. How did you find it?

Bye, till next time lovelys

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