4: Nightmare

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⚠️Warning: Panic Attack, slight abuse⚠️

< I woke up in a really dark room. It was All Black. Suddenly I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and saw my mom.

In (Inko): Mistake, you destroyed my whole life.

Hi (Hizashi): If you just wouldn't of been born. Our lifes would of been so much better!

They walked in my direction and I backed up. They came closer and closer, to which I backed away more and more. As I wanted to take a step more back, my back and foot pushed against a wall. I started to get more and more scared.

My parents came closer to me and now were in front of me. I closed my eyes scared of what will happen. They raised their hands and hit me. They hit me and hit me and hit me, they didn't stop.

After they bet me they came closer again and mom said: "Good bye mistake, I hope I never have to see you again."

She raised her hand with a bat in it and slashed it down at me. I could already feel the bat before it made contact with me.>

With a scream I opened my eyes and shot up. I frantically looked around my room. It felt like the walls came closer and closer.

I heard a bang and someone was in front of me. Because of that I got scared and backed away, till my back hit the wall.

The man said something but I couldn't hear it and just got more scared, since the man was closer to me than before. After some time I could hear the man.

He said: "Can you hear me Haru?"

I nodded.

The man: "Ok, tell me five things you can see."

After some thinking I nodded to myself and told it to him.

Me: "You... m-my hand.. the wall...a.. another man.. m-me"

The man: "Good, now tell me four things you can feel"

Me: "..."

The man: "Take your time"

Me: "Y-your hand,... my shirt.. my sho-orts... my hair

The man: "Perfect, your doing good. Now, tell me three things that you like"

Me: "J-jumping on roofto-ops, drawing... silence.."

The man: "Good, two things you can smell"

Me: *sniff, sniff* "deo, ... pancakes?"

The man: "Yes, pancakes. You like them?"

Me: *nod, nod*

The man: *chuckles* "Ok, you just have to answer one more question, do you know who I am?"

Me: *studying his face and clothes* "Eraser?"

The man/Eraser?: "Good, now, are you better?"

Me: "Yes"

Dadzawa: "Good, if it's ok for you we will go down to eat now, after that we can talk about why you had a panic attack. Is that ok for you?"

Me: *hesitantly nodding*

Dadzawa: "Ok, the come on, you don't want that Hito and Zashi eat all the pancakes, don't you?"

I nodded and stood up hesitantly. Dadzawa stood up to and I looked to the door to see that the other man wasn't there anymore.

I looked at Dadzawa questioning.

He must of seen my look, since he told me that it was his husband who left when he saw that Dadzawa had it under control.

(580 words)

I'm really sorry that I didn't update for so long, but I had to do school work and learn.
And my mental health isn't the best at the moment too, but eh, I don't care. And to "enough sleep", I don't know you. : )

Sooo, how did you like this chapter?

And a important question: How was the panic attack? Did I do it good? I don't have experience (luckily), but I wanted to try it. There will probably be more panic attacks, so if you have tips how to do it better, please tell me.

And this (<...>) means dream/nightmare.

And if you know a good app we're you can let your text be corrected, tell me, I need it...

Bye : )

Kage Okami (Vigilante Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now