5: new family

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3rd POV:

Izuku followed Dadzawa out of his room. They then walked downstairs in the kitchen, where Hizashi and Hitoshi already sat. Hizashi looked at Izuku and said: "Hello, nice to finally meet you after what I have heard of you." Izuku answered: "...hello?"
Dadzawa then told him to sit down on the table and he did so. There where pancakes, a lot of pancakes. Dadzawa also sat down and then they started to eat. At first Izuku was hesitant, but then he ate too. After he ate two pancakes he stopped to eat. Dadzawa, Hizashi and Shinso continued to eat. After about 10 minutes they were also finished.

(A=Aizawa, H=Hizashi, Hi=Hitoshi, I/H=Izuku/Haru)

A: How about we introduce each other?

H: Sure. I'm gonna start

H: I'm Hizashi Yamada-Aizawa, or pro hero Present Mic. I'm Shotas husband.

A: I'm Shota Yamada-Aizawa-

Hi: Dadzawa

A: -underground pro hero Eraserhead. Zashi is my husband. Now come on Hito, you are next

Hi: Hi, I'm Hitoshi Yamad-Aizawa. I'm their adopted son. Oh, and I'm 13 years old.

I: I'm Haru Yamato. The vigilante Kage Okami. And I'm 13.

A: Good, now that we introduced each other, please explain to my husband why you are here, why you are a vigilante, just everything you told me too.

Then they hear a knock on the door.

Hi: That probably are my friends. Bye Dad, bye Papa. And bye Haru

Hitoshi stands up and walks to the front door, opening it and walking out. After he closes the door again and walks away with his friends.

H+A: Are you gonna explain now Haru?

(You don't have to read this now if you don't want to, this is mostly what was said a chapter earlier too.)

I: Ok, ok.

I: So, I'm 13 and Haru Yamato isn't my real name, it is my name I use normally, since I don't want anyone to know my real name. In this disguise I have grey/violet hair and blue/violet eyes. I'm the vigilante Kage Okami since I was 10, so since 3 years. I live? in an abandoned building, alone. I have to quirks. 1. Wolf = I have wolf ears and tail, but I also can hide them. It is also possible for me to turn into a full wolf. Drawback: when I hide my wolf features longer then an hour I start to get dizzy. 2. Shadow = I can hide in the shadows and also create things out of shadows, for example knifes. Drawback: When I hide in the shadows for longer then an hour without a break I get headaches and can't use my shadows quirk for about an hour to two hours. The necklace I have is from my best friend who probably misses me, I gave him the same necklace before I left at the age of 8. Do I have to also tell the story on how I became a vigilante?

Looks at Aizawa waiting for an answer, hoping he won't want that he explains this again. (This is Aizawa, what does Izuku expect?)

A: Yes, you have to

I: Oh come on.

Izuku rolls his eyes.

I: So, before I turned 4, my life was perfect. My parents loved me, I had a best friend, everything was nice. When I was 4 I got my quirk. After that everything changed. My parents found my quirks "villainous" and started to abuse me. In the beginning they only hit me, but the abuse got worse and worse the older I got. When I was 8 I couldn't do it anymore and ran away from home. Since then I lived in a abandoned building. I began to teach myself to fight. I stole food, clothes, etc., everything I needed. When I was 9 I babysitted and dogsitted to get some money. I just told the people I did that to help my parents out since one lost their job and the other didn't have a job that paid much. I didn't get that much money, but it was enough to buy the things I needed: Food, water, clothes, blankets, my vigilante outfit, the voice changer I accidentally broke yesterday and knifes, etc. When I was 12 I had already saved more than 150 people, in my 2 years of being a vigilante. At the moment I didn't save much people but instead took a big organisation down that could have done many bad things. I'm not gonna tell any of you the names of my parents. That's it.

Hi: Wow. Wow, just, wow. You are so young and already had to endure so many bad things.

I: Yep

A: Haru, you are gonna life with us till we figured something out. And we will have to go shopping since you don't have anything to wear.

Hi: I can go shopping with the little listener.

A: Ok. Haru, I will give you some clothes form Hito, then you can go shopping for new clothes and some things to decorate your room with Zashi.

I: Ok

Dadzawa walks upstairs and Izuku follows him. He takes a green hoodie and black jeans out of Hitos closet and gives them to Izuku.

A: They are to small for Hito. You are smaller than him to they should fit you. Go to your room and change into them, then go downstairs.

I: Ok

Izu POV:

I walk to my room with the clothes in my hand. I close the door after me and change the clothes, then I walk downstairs, where Hizashi and Dadzawa are already waiting. Hizashi tells me to follow him and walks out of the house, I follow after him like he said. We walk to his car and I sit down in the backseat. Hizashi starts the car. I watch him carefully, not trusting him fully. He sees my look.

H: Everything ok Little listener?

I nod and look out the window. The car ride is silent and after 15 minutes we arrive at the shopping mall. Hizashi stops the car and goes out of it, I follow him.

H: Here we are.

(1027 words)

Yay. Finally I made a new chapter. And it is longer than the other chapters!!

Thanks to all the people that still read this fanfiction and wait for the updates, even though I took very long for this update.

I hope you like this chapter!

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