Chapter Ten

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POV: Xandor Galadon

October first was always Threshing.

Today was the day where every first-year cadet entered the bowl-shaped forested valley and prayed they would come out alive.

"Remember to listen here," Professor Kaori said from the front of the 148 cadets, tapping his chest. "If a dragon has already selected you, they'll be calling." He thumped his chest again. "So pay attention to not just your surroundings but your feelings, and go with them." He grimaced. "And if your feelings are telling you to go in the other directionlisten to that, too. If you go in groups, you're most likely to be incinerated than bonded. The scribes ran their statistics. You're better off on your own.

"And what if we aren't chosen by dinner?" a man with a short beard asked.

"If you're not chosen by nightfall, there's a problem. You'll be brought out by a professor or senior leadership, so don't give up and think we've forgotten about you." Professor Kaori checked his pocket watch. "Remember to spread out and use every foot of this valley to your advantage. It's nine, which means they should be flying in any minute now. The only other words I have for you are good luck." Then he left.

The cadets slowly parted and spread into the valley. I could see Violet, Rhiannon and Ridoc whisper and hugging. Then I made my own way into the woods and disappeared in the shadows.


Unlike every other cadet, I didn't choose to search for a dragon. I sat in the crown of a tree and looked over the autumnal valley. Everywhere were different colors of red, orange and gold. It looked like a burning sea. A few trees were already losing their leaves and I've already seen a few dragons break through the trees with their chosen riders on their back. It was beautiful to see the bond develop. The first few moments were the most important ones in the history of the bond.

That was why it was sad to see some of the cadets fall of their dragon's back and hit the forest floor with a dull thud. Sometimes things were just not meant to be.

With me sitting in one of the highest trees in the valley, I could see and hear almost everything. Frustrated huffs, cries, the sound of someone getting roasted or the sneaky footsteps of older riders who observed the first-years. A few moments ago, I saw Xaden land a few hundred meters from the tree I was sitting in.

I contently ate the berry I had found at the bottom of the tree. I was positive that they were very poisonous, but they wouldn't kill me. Nothing could. But they tasted delicious. The forbidden things were the most delicious things.

My spear laid on a branch fork next to me as well as my quiver and bow. Not the most comfortable thing to lean on a tree when something was pressing into your back all the time. The outfit I was wearing simple. The same rider boots from the Parapet and some thicker leather trousers as well as a thicker black cotton jumper which was covered by a leather coat. The perfect riding outfit. At least for me. But it was fucking tight. Did it look good? I was positive.

The thick black cloak, but one without symbols on it, covered once again everything underneath, but the hood was pulled back a little so the sun could caress my face. It sometimes surprised me that I was able to hide myself for the last two months. Young adults were naturally curious but I think with the impressions I made through the time here, they got the impression that it was best not to mess with me.

My trusted battle sword and axe hung on my belt. I was able to wield them at the same time but found out that that was something unique I could do. Comes with eons of experience and supernatural strength. There was an uncountable amount of weapons all over my body, I didn't even came to count them anymore. It just became a routine to strap them to my body.

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