Chapter Twenty-One

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POV: Xandor Galadon

My heart slowly calmed down on the flight back to the flight field.

I haven't done something this reckless or emotional in many, many centuries. But I didn't regret it. Not one bit.

While the air around me was still humming with the power inside me, it did no longer feel impulsive and like it would break out every second. I had myself back under control.

I wasn't sure how many riders had seen the spectacle I had pulled, but I was sure that it were enough that the whole quadrant would know by nightfall.

We circled over the flight field, and I watched the dragons land.

From my point high above the clouds I saw Garrick lifting the crystal egg above his head and Dain waving the flag. Even though the fear was still very present, I was proud of Garrick and his accomplishment.

"Liam's alive. Deigh says that he lives. The sword went through his side."

Oh thank the gods. I sent a wordless thanks to Dâmoren and he grunted back.

The earth shook when we landed and most of the excited or angry chattering died down and everyone stared. Ignoring them, I climbed down Dâmoren's front leg and out on the open field. As soon as I was gone far enough, Dâmoren launched into the air and disappeared in the direction of the Vale. I looked after him for a second before I turned around, facing the other riders. Some whispered and pointed at me as I walked through the crowd to the exit of the flight field.

"Have you heard what he did?"

"A god, they call him."

"He cut him in three parts."

Whispered comments followed me off the field. I knew that I was in no mood to celebrate and didn't want to destroy the atmosphere with my bad mood. Garrick would have to celebrate by himself with his friends since we weren't ready yet to make our relationship public.

But soon. I knew it. My stomach told me.

I almost ran through the hallways on my way to the Healer Quadrant. I had to see Liam. Though I trusted Dâmoren, I had to see it for myself.

The sun was already beginning to set when I crossed the lower, covered passage out of the Riders Quadrant, over the ravine, and into the Healer Quadrant. The door in front of me was already open so I didn't have to knock and walked right through it.

I entered the infirmary which was a long hall of beds and the big windows on the sides threw orange sunlight into the room. More than half of the beds were filled with people in rider back. Looked like quite a few got hurt during the first game.

Healers and their cadets hurried through the room, trying to attend everyone. In all this hustle and bustle I wasn't yet noticed and took the time to observe the room and find Liam. Loud voiced steered my attention to the back of the room.

On the right and almost in the back, I noticed a mop of blonde hair.


Quite a few people had gathered around the bed he lay in and I noticed two riders and at least five healers. What was going on there? Then the voiced reached me.

"You need to let me do my job, Rider Tavis!" An old man was leaning heavily on his cane and glared at Garrick who blocked his way to Liam. I could feel that he was a mender in his aura. A very powerful signet a rider could possess.

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