Chapter Seventeen

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POV: Xandor Galadon

Warmth surrounded me when I regained consciousness.

My senses were heightened, and I knew instantly that I wasn't in my own bed. The bed I laid on was too firm and the cover and blanket too rough. It was also way smaller since my feet dangled over the edge.

Dust made my nose itch and then I finally noticed the extra heat from the two bodies on both sides of my body. Liam and Garrick.

I didn't know what happened after my signet manifestation, but it seemed like they had brought me to Garrick's room, which I concluded from the smell, and stayed with me.

Focusing inside myself, I felt the power flowing right under the surface. I felt powerful.

Mine and Dâmoren's powers had mixed and were now a beautiful play of swirling colors.

Poor Garrick and Liam had to carry me here. I knew I was heavy, so I felt a little guilty. But the bed was way to small.

I didn't know how they managed it, but we all fit into the small bed. Was it bigger than the bunks in the beginning and other first-year beds? Yes.

But it was definitely not big enough for us three. When I finally opened eyes, I was met with an amusing sight. Liam was on my right side and clutched onto me with both arms and one leg intertwined with mine. His head lay in my chest, and he snored slightly. Garrick was doing the same, his dark hair tousled, and his lips slightly parted. Cute.

They were draped over my body and using me as a big pillow.

It was almost a little suffocating.

When my gaze swept across the room, I noticed my boots and cloak, as well as my weapons, at least the ones they found, next to the door. I only wore a thin woolen shirt and trousers.

Moving slightly, I tried to sit up I order to dress, but a muffled groan and a tightened grip around my waist made me lay back. Looked like Liam was not yet ready to wake up.

"Liam." I gently squeezed his muscular shoulder with my free hand, and he groggily opened his eyes. The sleepy look in his blue eyes with his unruly blonde hair made him look stunning.

He blinked up at me. "What?" He muttered before he cuddled back into my body.

"We need to get up and dressed. The sun has already almost reached midday and classes commence in one hour." That made him wake up and he straightened up, rubbing his eyes. Garrick was doing the same which gave me the opportunity to roll out of the bed and walk to my clothes.

Turning my back to them I stepped into my clothes, boots and sheathed my weapons. Before I cloaked myself, I turned back around to them. They sat next to each other on the bed and watched me.

"What do you need all these weapons for?" Garrick asked.

I smiled slightly and buckled my cloak to my shoulders but not yet pulling up the hood. "One can never be too careful." He nodded.

"What happened yesterday?" Liam asked. "It looked like the sky was breaking." Garrick nodded agreeingly.

"My signet manifested," I explained, and they both raised their eyebrows.

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