Chapter Twenty-Five

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POV: Xandor Galadon

It was four in the morning, and I couldn't sleep.

The soft snores of Garrick and Liam invited me to join them in bed, but my body wouldn't shut down. Something hung in the air.

From my point on the armchair I watched the relaxed faces of Liam and Garrick. Liam had wrapped himself around Garrick like a teddy bear and his blonde hair sprawled on Garrick's bare chest.

The dark feeling in my stomach only got more and more intense as the minutes passed.

Loud sirens ripped me out of my observation and let me jump to my feet. We were under attack.

Liam and Garrick sat straight up on the bed, looking around a little disorientated.

"They're calling the full quadrant to formation!" Garrick jumped out of bed and into his trousers. Liam quickly followed, though a little sleepier. Since I was already dressed, I grabbed their weapons and held them out for them to grab.

"We are being attacked?" Liam asked and pulled his shirt over his head.

"Most probably," I answered, helping him buttoning up his uniform.

"Why are you so calm?" He asked me and I buckled the sword on my belt before throwing my cloak over my shoulders.

"This is not my first battle, Liam." I winked at him. "You should know that by now. Now hurry."


POV: Violet Sorrengail

"Riders Quadrant!" Panchek shouted, his voice carrying across the courtyard. "Welcome to the last event of this year's War Games." A murmur ripped through the crowd. "The alert that was sounded is similar to what it would have been if this were a real-life attack – to see how fast you would muster – and we will continue this exercise as if it is. Were the borders to be simultaneously attacked, and the wards faltering, you would all be called into service to reinforce the wins. Colonel Aetos, would you do us the honor of reading the scenario?"

Right as Dain's dad steps forward, a deep, familiar voice thundered through the courtyard. "What is the meaning of this?"

Every head turned to the entrance and watched as Xandor followed by Liam and Garrick walked out. His hair was completely open and cascaded down his back in long silver waves. The strides towards the dais were long and confident and his amber eyes were sparkling with anger. He wore a long black cloak and his long sword strapped to his waist. Even in simple clothes he looked like a king and had an air of confidence and experience around him that surpassed the ones of my mother and General Melgren.

Right now his angry eyes were directed at Panchek and Colonel Aetos and I was relieved that I wasn't the target of his cold eyes. I would surely have pissed myself.

"You are out of line, cadet!" Panchek shouted across the courtyard and a murmur ripped through the crowd. Didn't he know who he was talking too?

On the way to the dais, Liam and Garrick spilt away, joining their own squads.

"It's his Majesty, Commandant." Xandor growled at him and climbed up the dais, looming over Panchek whose fearful eyes stared up at him. "Now step aside before I make you." Panchek hurriedly moved to the back of the dais and Xandor stretched out a demanding hand to Colonel Aetos, pointing at the scroll. Dain's dad gave it to him, even though he looked reluctant. Xandor scanned the scroll before giving it back to Dain's dad. "Why wasn't I informed about this?" He only shrugged his shoulders and Xandor raised his brows. "I see...continue."

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