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The sunlight touched my skin, leaving a lovely, warm hue around me as I yawned slowly. I opened my eyes and enjoyed the warm touch glowing as I looked around the room, my face flushing red, realizing where I was. OH, I'M STILL AT LIGHT'S PLACE. I didn't dare to move, feeling his hands wrapped around my stomach, inches away from my breast as if one wrong move he would touch them.

I tried to keep the idea of Light touching my chest and enjoying it out of my head, but I couldn't help but enjoy it only a little. Light yawned behind me, feeling his breath down my neck as he sat up, removing his hands from my body.

"You awake, Y/N?" Light asked as I faked just now waking up, sitting up and rubbing my eyes, looking over at his shirtless body and smirking down at me.

"Yeah? Did I sleep here all night?" I asked, looking down at my hands, trying not to glance up at him as he grabbed the bottom of my face, making me look at him.

"You were falling asleep at school, and I didn't want you to walk home all asleep and exhausted. You're a beautiful woman, and there are horrible men out there," Light spoke, his hand trailing down my face onto my shoulder as I gulped.

"I was asleep this whole time??" I chuckled a little nervously, noticing that I was in nothing but a shirt and underwear, embarrassed that Light saw all of me while I was in such a vulnerable state. Light chuckled at me as he got out of bed, looking around for his shirt.

"I wanted to take care of you. I know how hard you work, and I don't think it's far for no one to notice that," Light spoke as I watched him put on his shirt, looking away before he caught me staring at his toned chest, always hidden under his clothing.

"Oh...Uh, thank you," I mumbled a little, looking away, holding my hands together, embarrassed to get up.

"Yeah..sorry, I didn't want you to sleep in your jeans, so I changed you. I hope it's alright."

Light paused, noticing my face turning brighter red as the seconds ticked by.

"Don't worry, I'll let you borrow a pair of my sweatpants before you leave," Light spoke, walking over to his dresser as I stared at the blankets, too flustered to speak. Light tossed a pair of sweatpants at me as he turned around.

"I won't look, but I've already seen you half-naked. We slept in the same bed." He laughed as I crawled out of bed, putting on the sweatpants, having to tie the drawstrings or they would fall down and around my feet, which wouldn't be too out of the ordinary; he had already seen me half naked lying in bed with him like he already told me. I sighed heavily, ensuring the sweatpants weren't coming off.

"Okay, you can turn around now I'm dressed." I flattered my shirt, making sure my body was covered as I watched Light's face turn bright red as he looked me up and down, and I rested my hands on my hips, confused at the sudden change of emotion.

"They look nice on you." Light cleared his throat as I nodded, walked around to gather my things, tried to find the papers as I walked closer to the door, and felt a chill spot sending shivers through my body as if I could feel hands around me. The hell? The rest of the room is as warm as warm can be. I looked around, confused at the sudden temperature change. Light must have caught my shift in emotion, walking over to me, helping me gather my papers, and putting them into my bag.

"You know you don't have to leave." Light smiled at me, another wave of warm washing over me as I looked over at him, pushing a piece of matted hair behind my ear, picking my bag up, and tossing it lightly over my shoulder.

"I know, but finals are starting soon, and we both need to study even if you already have everything down." I shrugged as Light kept me from leaving just yet as I avoided his gaze, looking down at the ground, feeling the carpet under my feet as I grabbed onto my shoes, holding them in my hand. Light leaned in close to me, feeling his breath on my head as he kissed it very gently, feeling my temperature rise as I backed out of the room, feeling as if time had stopped altogether. I know he was flirting with me; I knew he liked me, but to kiss me without warning or even a heads up.

A TEMPTATION: A DANCE WITH DEATHWhere stories live. Discover now