Do I want this

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I glared at Light more, smiling a little, trying not to let the anger fill me to the point of rage. He treated me like some other subject, just to learn, go on from there, take the test, and pass without caring about the hearts he could break.

Was Kasai the other man that died of a heart attack correct? The young man that you were close with? L grumbled in my ear as I nodded, looking down at Light.

"That's interesting. I didn't think anyone would be paying that close attention to me. I just kind of blend into class," I chuckled as the waiter dropped off a few wine glasses and even left the bottle of wine. I watched as Light poured our glasses, ensuring I didn't drink too much.

"I mean, yeah, my friends and I were close but did not know everything about me close." I tried to answer L's question without saying what I was doing as I stared at the wine, only taking small sips before setting it down.

"Yeah, I know. I'm delighted you wanted to go out with me tonight. Let's get to know you better," Light chuckled, holding the wineglass out before drinking it, watching the scarlet-colored wine flood his mouth.

"I knew how Kasai offered to help you with work" Light sighed heavily, looking back at me. As I looked at him, I was too distracted by the wine.

"I don't want other men getting so close to you, let alone "doing homework." We were not children; I knew what that meant," Light grumbled, and I watched his cheeks flush red as he looked back down at the bottle of wine.

"Because I love you," my heart sank when he spoke those words, and my face flushed. The last thing I wanted was for this man to love me. I don't want this love. It's bad if people think he's Kria. What proof is there that he isn't a stone-cold murderer?

Oh, he loves you, L chuckled in my ear once again. The flush in my cheeks got redder as I looked down, trying to calm my heart rate. What else could I do? What do I say?

I lied. Anything to get Light to believe this date was what it seemed, L uttered again as I looked back up at Light. He looked away, covering his cheeks with one hand. He's just as embarrassed as me.

"I like you too. I would have for a while, even if we didn't talk often." I looked at Light's face, watching the brightness in his cheeks Light up more. I mean something to him. I don't understand why I'm nothing but a poor college girl struggling to keep herself in school or even to be able to feed herself.

"Like or love?" Light asked as I hesitated. He's being serious; he doesn't want a half-assed answer. He wants the whole truth, but can I give him the entire truth, or should I give him what he just wants to hear?

"I love you, Light Yagami." His name felt like venom on my tongue. I didn't want to lie like this to him, saying "I love you" when I didn't mean it.

"Sushimi for the table?" My thoughts were ruined when the waiter brought us our meals, setting the food in front of us like the air didn't just get so thick it could choke me to death as I looked down at the food, smiling. Even if it was creepy that he knew that Sushimi was my favorite food, nonetheless, it was.

"Thank you, may I pay now?" Light expressed, trying to shake the blush off his face. He's not the type to show emotion, and I made him look like a bright tomato in under seconds of being around him, even if Light was creepy about not wanting other men around me or even to the point of death if he was Kria. The waiter agreed, taking Light's card and paying the bill they hadn't printed.

You need more information, Y/N. I get it. You're awkwardly confessing something you don't feel, but we have a task. Don't forget, I'm watching.

I looked around, seeing the restaurant's cameras look down at Light and I's table, sending chills down my back. I knew he was watching us, but I didn't think he could just break into the restaurant's cameras using them to stalk me... Always watching, I have to do this right, Y/N, or who knows, it may be my neck on the line, not Lights. I shivered again, looking around before taking small bites of my food, hearing L's demand in my head or well commanded, no anger in his voice. I didn't think; I just wanted to finish that night. I hated every minute of how conflicted my feelings were. I keep telling myself I don't love him, so why do I allow myself to say it? I took Light's hands, keeping his locked with mine, and took a deep breath.

A TEMPTATION: A DANCE WITH DEATHWhere stories live. Discover now