He saw me.

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It wasn't long before Light was passed out next to me, lying face first onto the pillows, his body almost engulfed into the bed, his hair messy. If it weren't for what I had to do, this would be a cute sight that would feel like Love, but there is no Love in what we did. I rubbed my neck, feeling the bite marks that led down into my shoulders, sweet, tender, but rough all together. I flung the covers off my body, shivering as the cold air hit my skin, gathering up my bra and underwear and slipping them on as I walked over to the dress, hearing L's voice echoing from it. I felt my face turn bright red. He listened to all that, each moan and groan, the slapping of skin.

"Focus, Y/N, you need to set up the cameras and leave by morning," L's voice snapped me back to where I was as I ruffled through the bag, pulling out the cameras. I scattered them around the room on his computer near the headboard, something to be the quietest I've ever been before slipping back into the bed with Light.


My alarm went off the following day but buzzed under my arm. 5 a.m. is the best time to escape. I looked over at Light, making sure he was still out cold before leaving his bed once again and, hopefully for the last time, walking over to my dress, laying on the ground next to my heels, slipping it over my freezing body as I picked up my purse grabbing into my heels fixing my dress and leaving Lights room sneaking down the stairs making sure my footsteps are silent before exiting the house making my way down the road.

"L, are you still there?" I asked, fixing my dress more with the wire and placing the earpiece into her ear.

"I'm still here, Y/N. Did you set up the cameras as planned?" L asked, his voice a little shaky as if he had listened all night and then fell asleep or just woke up.

"Yes, I do. There's scatted around Light's bedroom unknown to Light," I added to his comment, making it down the road. The concrete made my bare feet cold.

"Good, you did well. We will continue this conversation once you find out the news," L added before the beep flew into my ear, causing me to pull the earpiece out in pain. News? What does he mean by news?

I was still thinking about what L said as I walked up to my apartment and up the stairs. What could have been so broken that it would be called news? The second I reached the top of my stairs, seeing all my stuff spread out in front of my door with the sign reading evicted, I dropped my heels, feeling the water run across my face.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, I found out from a trusted friend that you've been kicked out of your apartment, and with the loss of your father, I'm guessing you don't have much money to buy another," L's voice was a strange mixture between caring and professional tone as I felt my tears drip down my face it was one for mentioning my father. Still, it was another way to apologize for my own mistakes.

"You close friend?" I asked

"Yes, I just need to know if you're ready to meet the real L, who's behind all this mess," L laughed as I looked out the window. I watched in pure shock as a limousine drove up to my apartment right outside the exit, watching as men walked out of the limo, up the stairs, gathered my stuff off the ground, and walked them down with it.

"Miss, you are Y/N, correct?" One of the men asked as I looked over at him, confused, slowly nodding my head, looking the man up and down.

"L has requested that we take you to the hotel room where he has stayed. Please follow me," the man asked, leading me down the stairs and back into the limo. It was almost like a joy ride feeling conflicting feelings from last night to now losing my apartment and being driven to some random hotel to meet L; it's already a shitty day. Hopefully, this day doesn't get worse. I stared out the window, looking out to the hotel we were pulling up to. Once stopped, I stepped out with men leading me inside, and right to greet me was a man, an older gentleman with pale skin and fox-white hair neatly groomed with his mustache.

A TEMPTATION: A DANCE WITH DEATHWhere stories live. Discover now