ch. 7(carters pov)

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    I lost him, I had finally found my true love and then I lost him. I couldn't stand the thought that Derick was actually gone, but by now it was too late to turn back. Now I road with a very annoying constant reminder of him..... his sister.

     Lisa was trying so hard to distract both of our minds from the disaster and loss that we both experienced back and the "sanctuary". She would constantly start up little games of I-spy and pick the zombie, but it was no use.

     We had no idea where we were driving. we had already crossed over to the next state. Soon we would run out of gas. By now most gas stations are sucked dry of gas, we have already tried siphoning gas from cars that we passed, but those cars had long run into our same predicament. 

   I looked out the window and watched as the sky slowly started to darken. 

"We should find a place to sleep for the night" I pointed out with little emotion. Lisa nodded in agreement. 

 We have done this several times already, for shelter and also for supplies. 

we quickly found a small cottage secluded from any kind of community. these are the best places to take shelter for a night. They are quick to scout out and its not as likely to draw in a hoard. 

This cottage was a one bedroom single story home. so it didnt take long for us to search the home for any sign of danger and supplies. Thankfully there was now threat and we found a small stock pile of canned beans and some stale crackers.

We set up our bags in the central room after locking up all doors and barricading the doors , etc. the center of the house is the safest place to be you are less likely to draw any attention espessially if there are no windows. 

I sat staring at my can of beans in silence. I really didnt want to eat. I was too depressed. 

Lisa slammed her can on the floor. "Look i know you are depressed, i know you just lost some one. I know you feel like you have no meaning to your life. that you lost all hope of happiness... But you arent alone, not yet. we are in this together. We have to keep each other going through this hell that is now our earth. I cant stand to be around someone who is going to spend the the rest of however long their life may be moping around about loss. Ever since this shit started its all been about losing our loved ones. Im not saying to just go heartless what im saying is we have to keep going on for them . You and i need to keep going on for Derrick."  Lisa paused as her eyes slowly filled with tears.

I scooted over to her and hugged her as we both cried on each others shoulders.


         I know this chapter is super short but my computer is really messed up and its frustrating me. it has been so long since i have posted. i have been having such a hard time pulling myself together. i have been so busy with work which screws me over every chance it can get and i have been trying to get so much figured out. i am so sorry for being so long i hope to post more soon. thank you for your patients.

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