Ch 8

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I woke up covered in pieces of cement and plaster with a headache from hell. I did not think i would survive that blast, but hey it did the trick. Slowly i sat up and coughed. It was kinda cartoon funny cause dust poofed out when i coughed.
The place was a disaster. Half of the building still stood while the other half... Well lets just say the good half got off better.
I wonder if carter and lisa got out ok? I looked off in the distance and could see a car speeding down the road. I could only assume that was them. I got up and began to search my surroundings for anything that may help. There in a corner there was a duffle bag. I opened it up and there was an arsenal of guns and other weapons and ammo. Well aren't i just in luck. I also searched the lockers nearby for anything else and found some canned goods, dried food, and a case of water. How did these not blow up?
Now to find a ride out of here. Looking around it was apparent that there wasn't a thing left in existence from the crater the explosion left. I threw everything in the bag and through it over my shoulder and made may way in the direction the car took off speeding.

~ Lisa and I sat around our dinner table, silently eating roman noodles we had made on the stove  with a candle lit up in the center of the table. Mom and Dad were gone. We were in such a depressed state that we might as well be the same creatures we were hiding from.

My fork slipped out of my hand as tears began to fall from my eyes. I felt lisa's hand slip into mine as she leaned across the table to get my attention. I looked up to face her. I could see that she was also crying but had been trying to hide it from me. 

"Look, I know you are scared, I am too. We will make it through this, Mom and Dad taught us to take care of our selfs. As long as I am alive I will make sure that nothing ever happens to you." She gave me a half smile and made her way around the table wrapping her arms around me in a tight embrace.

Suddenly there was a light repetitive banging. Startled, we looked over at the door that we had barricaded. The banging continued as lisa walked over to the door and peeked through the peep hole. She nodded looking back at me. I blew the candle out and we hid in the corner behind the couch, my head on her shoulder and guns in our laps, praying to make it through the night.~

 I Snapped back into the now, the sun had begun to fall and I needed to find shelter. Off in the distance I could hear a heard making its way. by the sounds of it maybe a half a mile away. I looked around but there were no buildings around, only trees. The trees were tall enough and clustered together enough to the point that i should go unnoticed if i were to climb high enough. I began my accent making quick ground high enough that i was able to see for miles.

I made myself cozy so that I wouldnt have to make any kind of movement or sound. I looked around me to see the sun setting on the horizon, A beautiful site in such an ugly world. The sound of shuffling in leaves and twigs snapping brought my attention back down to the ground below me.

the herd was now passing under me making groaning and moaning sounds. The smell that followed was sickening, stomach turning. It smelled of rotting flesh and waste. 

I stared back up at the sky wishing that I didnt have to be alone. I am glad that lisa and Carter got away, But this was torture. I was afraid, afraid that the atrocity below me would find me, afraid that I would never see Lisa and Carter again, afraid of the heart ache that I just couldnt take any more. Hadnt I already been through enough? 

My eyes slowly began to close as the tiredness was kicking in. I will find them I will not be alone.......


I know I know it has been far to long. there has been so much i have been dealing with that it has litterally killed my writting creativity. I know that this is an extremely short chapter and for that i am sorry. I just want you guys to know that i have not given up im just dealing with so much and hopefully one day i can do better for you guys but untill then i appreciate your patience.

An Angel In Death (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now