ch 4

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alright here it is chapter 4 picture is of i think some model and if any one can place a name on him i would be highly gratefull. anyways, he will be playing derrik . enjoy!!! :) OH!!!! also i suck at making covers so if anyone is willing to would you make one? and one more thing ;) since the pick didnt work on the side here is a link to the picture of who will be playing derrik http;// dang sexy right? ;P oh and one more thing............ wait what was i gonna say? oh well enjoy :D


                                                 *Derrik's pov*

"Geez it looks like zombies invaded the city." i exclaimed in wonder.

" Im not sure where you've been these last three months, but thats kind of what happend." Carter said with a laughing smile.

the streets were a mess. cars were over turned, the windows were broken out of them. the streets were littered with deris and covered with large, dried up pools of blood. store windows held signs that read "god save us all" and other such signs. Most windows had been broken from the chaos of the first day of the out break and other days to come.

Surprisingly though not a single body, dead or undead, were in the streets, kind of creepy actually. It actually made me feel like I should be expecting an ambush. like in "i am leagend" where they set up that trap for him and then tried to kill him.

Carter backed the car into an alley with only one way in and out. "so what exactly are we looking for?" I asked him, checking my clip to make sure i had plenty of bullets in it and checking my pockets for more bullets to reload when  needed.

"amunition, food, water, you know the essentials to survive in this new world of ours." carter answered casually while doing the same with his gun. "ya ready?" he asked, reaching for the dor handle. "ready" i said, opening the door and stepping out.

The air smelled of blood and rotting flesh. to first timers, it would have made them puke, but you end up getting used to it after a while.

As we were walking down the street looking for any buildings that may have any suplies we needed, i noticed a building a building with a large gaping hole in the wall.

"Hey, isnt that where i crashed?" I asked carter. "Yes it is, which by they way is why im never letting you drive again." He said while poking my side.

"hey, its not my fault the poll fell in front of me." i said defending my right to drive.

"Um, im not trying to call you crazy or anything, but what poll?" carter asked, giving me a look like i was in fact crazy.

"its right over......" I trailed off as i looked for the poll, but found nothing. " I swear to god a poll fell in front of me. Im not crazy." I said. I felt carter's arms wrap around my waist. "sure youre not. I seen the whole thing and saw no poll falling. maybe you were just really tired and stressed that you had a bit of a hallusination." carter said supportively.

"I know what i seen and that was no halusination." I said. "hey, can we go back to my place? I know we still had some supplies there and i need to get some clothes." I asked, while already walking in the direction of my home, well what used to be my home.

"sure, but id rather you not run off like that." carter said protectively.

"then do try to keep up. Ya see, the key to surviving is to be quick not slow like a slug." I said.

" ya, but slugs are slick and can slip away from their predators." he retorted with a smirk.

"oh ya ya smartass" I said, punching carter in the arm, hard.

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