ch. 3

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I woke up to a knock at the door and someones voice telling me to wake up. Hell Naw, no one wakes me up this early. This is the most sleep I've gotten in months. So no, I will not get up, i refuse to get up.

I rolled onto my stomach and groaned out in frustration as the irritating noise of knuckles on wood continued. "NOOOOOOO, its too early. Let me sleep." I complained, wanting nothing more than for the irritating noise to stop.

"fine, I'm going to go get a bucket of cold water and if you're not up by the time i get back, I'll be dumping it on you." The voice warned. Ha, ya right, who would actually even do that any more any way. I heard his footsteps leave as i started to drift back off into sleep.

Not even five minutes later i heard a knock on the door again. I dismissed it by throwing my pillow at the door.

I heard the door click open followed by quiet foot steps creeping to my bed. Well thats funny, you were just yelling at me to wake up and now you're trying to be quiet. Why would you do that, that makes no......... I jumped put of my bed as very cold water was being dumped on me.

"COLD!!!" I yelled still in the air flailing my arms. seconds later I landed on my ass on the floor. I looked up rubbing my poor butt.

Carter was litterally laughing on the floor with the bucket hugged in his arms. I gave him the death glare.

Carter stood up hands help up and dropped the bucket, still chuckling. I stood up slowly. " You little..." i started. " Oh shit" he said and took off out the door.

I ran after him Getting closer and closer to him. I almost caught him until he turned a corner. I slipped as i tried to turn with him.

Scrambling up to my feet, I took off after him again.

Carter ran through a doorway that read mess hall. I stopped as i ran through the doorway looking around for carter.

There were a few tables in the center. Nine people sat at the tables eating.

They stopped and looked up to see what was going on and all eyes landing on me. They stared at me for a moment before breaking into a fit of laughter.

I stood there puzzled for a moment before someone spoke into my ear. " look down" He said from behind me. I did and i felt my cheeks burning up from embarasment.

I wore nothing but my underware, plus i was completely soaked.

I felt some one tapping on my shoulder and I turned around. There stood carter with my clothes, He was still chuckling at me.I took my clothes and slugged him on the arm.

I walked away muttering curses under my breath as I stormed by a still chuckling carter.

If thats how you want to play then fine, time to break out my forbidden stash of payback.

Carter walked into my room as i finished getting dressed. " Just so you know," i spoke to him in a warning tone. " I tend to get even in situations such as this." I said.

Carter's eyes grew in mock horror and put his hunds up in defence. " i dont know what you're talking about. looks like someone had a little accident in bed though." he said with a laughing smile on his face.

"ha ha, funny" I said slugging him on the again as I went out the door making my way to the mess hall.

I was hungry and I cant come up with masterfull plans when my stomach feels like it's trying to rip its way out of me.

I could hear carter's foot steps behind me. He took a breath in like he wanted to say something, but then released it thinking better of it.

Regarless of his hotness, I was pissed at him. I just didnt want to talk to him right now. Hell if I did, I'd probably let a years worth of frustration out on him. Though I am pissed at him, I dont want to push him away. I do plan on having him one way or another after all. But for now I'll just plan my amazingly awesome revenge. Mwahahaha!

An Angel In Death (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now