chapter 2

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pic is of ian somerhalder playing carter.


People were rushing through the hallway as we stepped out of our apartment. people were cramming into the elevator exceeding the weight limit by far to much. As the door closed there was a groaning from the elevator as the weight started to play it's part in that groups eminent death.

Dad pressed the button to open the doors. the doors slid open showing the group once again.

"there are to many in the elevator some of you need to........" the group let out a scream as the elevator dropped a bit.

A lady reached out her hand for help getting out and my dad took it. As my dad started to pull her out the elevator fell severing the woman's arm. My dad fell back still holding the waman's arm.

As he came out of his stupefied shock, he threw the woman's arm to the side. He was covered in her blood. He still had a stupefied look as he started to walk to the end of the hallway towards the stairs.

I looked over at mom and Lisa. Lisa was in moms arms and mom was holding her tight. She had tears running down her face as she told Lisa that everything is gonna be OK. It sure didn't look like everything was going to be OK. It looked like it was the end of the world.

"are you guys coming, or do you plan on staying?" dad called back to us as he reached the door that led to the stairs.

Mom gave us both a final hug before leading us to the door.

I woke up to a light being shown in my eyes. I shut my eyes immediately, groaning from the blinding light.

"Ah, you're finally awake." A mans voice said from somewhere in the room.

I tried to move my arms but i couldn't because i was bound by my arms and legs. "Sorry we tied you down. We just took extra precautions just in case you were infected." The man said with a slightly amused voice.

"Ya well, i can assure you i'm not. I haven't been bitten, I haven't gotten any liquid from those things in cuts, and i sure as hell didn't ingest any liquids from them either." I gagged at the thought of it.

I looked around the room. there were a few chairs surrounding a table in the far corner. there were two people sitting at it, A man and a woman. By the looks of it they were analyzing something,I'm not quite sure.

The male had short, dark brown hair. He was kinda chubby, like not fat but definitely not considered skinny. He looked to be in his late fifties. The woman appeared to be in her mid thirties and was all curves. She had platinum colored hair with a single red highlight.

They both looked up at each other and nodded. The woman then looked at me and smiled. "His blood tests are clean. He is not infected." she said with nothing but happiness in her voice.

"Alright, he may be released." The man who was clearly in charge said.

I looked over to where the mans voice was coming from.

There in the corner stood a tall man with well defined muscles, and when i say well defined i mean something you would expect to see on chuck Norris. He was bald and wore an army uniform. This guy was clearly the leader here. Speaking of which, Where is here?

" May i ask, where exactly are we?" I asked cautiously.

Hearing the caution in my voice the "leader" started laughing and stopped after a few seconds. "we are in an armory just outside of Chicago." he said. I started moving around now that i was untied, rubbing the stiffness out of my arms.

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