ch. 5

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Hey guys sorry its been so long, and also sorry this chapter is shorter than the rest. I've been busy lately with stuff and getting back into church and now I'm not really thinking straight cause of these meds that Ive been having to take recently for my arm. if you cant already tell ive finally got a cover for the story YAY!!!!!!!!! the current one I'm using is made by KHTurley. the cover on the side is made by KristinaVallaste tell me which one you guys like better and i'll use that one. the dedication for this chapter goes to KHTurley. vote if you guys want more and comment if you want more interactions in these comment thingy's lol love you guys and here is the next chapter i'll stop talking oh also song on the right is your call by secondhand serenade


*Derrik's POV*

I was woken by a high pitched squeal.

"Oh my god, you guys look so adorable!" I opened my eyes and instantly regretted it as I was blinded by a bright flash.

"Lisa, where the hell did you get a camera, which by the way will be going over the god damned fence if you don't knock it off." I said as i was blinded again by another flash.

I felt carter's embrace around me tighten as he started to wake up. "what the hell is all the ruckus abou..." flash.

He shoved his face into my neck to guard from the flashing light. " Lisa do you mind if i see that real quick?" carter asked innocently.

Lisa gave him the camera. Carter ejected the memory card and threw the camera out the window. I giggled, that's my boy.

"there's a computer and printer in the front office, can you print me off some copies?" he asked, handing Lisa the memory card. Lisa huffed and stormed out the room.

"Good morning" carter said, kissing my neck which made me shiver. "Good morning" I chuckled. "is that a banana in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" I teased carter earning me a blush from him.

"shut up" he mumbled, burying his face in my neck. I couldn't help but giggle as his breath tickled my skin.

He led soft kisses up my neck, over my jaw line, and finally my lips. He nibbled at my bottom lip. earning him a moan and entrance to my mouth.  We kissed until I had to pull away for breath. Carter trailed feathery kisses down my neck, causing me to shiver.

He pulled away and climbed on top of me, crashing his lips back to mine. I moaned in pleasure as carter started grinding his lower half into mine, rubbing our quickly hardening members together.

I pulled away from the kiss, and he started sucking on my neck. I felt a painful pinch on my neck, but it was soon replaced by pleasure from him rubbing against me.

I moved my hands to his chest feeling his muscles flex under my hands. Carter moved his mouth back up to mine, and I smirked against the kiss.

Before carter could figure out what i was doing, I moved my feet up under him and pushed him over me. I took off out of the room, leaving a stunned carter behind looking frustrated and confused.

*Carters POV*

I stared out the door that Derrik just ran through. What the hell just happened?

I got up from the bed and headed in the direction he ran in, which happened to be the mess hall. As i walked in to the mess hall, i noticed he was talking to Lisa.

When he spotted me he hid behind Lisa, a large evil smirk playing on his face.

I reached around Lisa to grab Derrik's hand. Lisa smacked my hand away, and bumped me back with her chest.

" you tried to rape my baby brother?!" my eyes went big, and i finally caught on to why Derrik was smirking, now laughing.

"It's not rape if you like it" I replied calmly. Derrik had been drinking water and did a spit take as i said this, a deep blush forming on his cheeks. Lisa and I just stared at him as he tried to compose himself.

"anyways, You ain't getting any where near to getting in his pants until you have my blessings." Lisa said smugly, crossing her arms.

"And what would i have to do to receive them, take you on a date?" I said sarcastically. I know Lisa has a crush on me, but nope. I am strictly pro sausage, more specifically Derrik's.

"that's actually not a bad idea.... If you can show me just how passionate and dedicated you are for Derrik, then i will let you know if you have you have my approval." she said thoughtfully.

"Oh god, what have i done" I heard Derrik whisper behind Lisa.

"you do realize i was joking about the whole date thing right?" I said a little shocked.

"you better get a move on those plans if you want my approval. I expect you to be ready by seven tonight." she said with a smile edging at the corners of her mouth.

"Tonight?! why tonight?!" i said, panicking. How am i supposed to come up with a plan, and set it up in only a matter of hours just to prove how much i love Derrik?

"Yep" she said simply, patting my chest as she past by me, leaving me with a stunned Derrik.

"I am soooo sorry" Derrik said, giving me a sympathetic look.

I glared at him. "I tried to rape you?" "hey i warned you, not till the third date" Derrik said, giving me the puss in boots look. Damn, he looked so cute.

I turned and walked away from him. I heard him following behind me. "oh come on, its not like i was the one who suggested the date idea" Derrik said.

"ya, about that, Ive gotta come up with plans and set it up with-in about five hours so i can gain your sisters acceptance. so if you'd excuse me......." i said brushing past him.

"what the hell is your problem?" Derrik asked with hurt in his voice.

"My problem is the fact that you're not taking my love seriously. Raping you? you're clearly not ready for this relationship, but I'm still willing to go on this 'date' with your sister because I Love you. It's funny though ain't it, how I'm still willing to prove my love for you when you're more than willing to throw it away." I said angrily.

"that's what this is about? of course I love you. I never even told her it was rape, I was telling her about what happened and about my skillful evasiveness. When you walked in, she went into actress mode, which by the way she does a lot, just to freak you out. Then you went and suggested the date idea, you dummy." He explained to me.

"i stared at him blankly for a moment before i hung my head in shame. "I feel like an ass now" I admitted.

"well you can feel mine all you want" Lust filled me as I started to make my way towards Derrik. He placed his hands on my chest, stopping my attempt to fulfill my sexual desire.  "after our third date." I growled as he walked off.

So he wants to play this game huh? well he's not the only one who can play it.

As i entered my room, I was startled to find Lisa sitting on my bed. "you really love my brother don't you?" she asked.

I nodded my head, keeping eye contact. She may look sweet and innocent, but those kind of girls are usually the psychotic types who will go all raptor on you if you hurt the people they love.

"lucky for you, you've already earned my acceptance by saving my brothers life." I sighed and visibly relaxed in relief. I was starting to believe that this was gonna be a thing where you couldn't earn the parent's, or in this case sister's, trust until after marriage.

"Now don't go thinking this date is off. It's not going to be with me though. I only used that to keep my brother in the dark. he is such an idiot sometimes. anyways, i'm gonna help you get this date set up, seeing as I'm the only one who really knows him and what he likes. Now here's how we are gonna set this up." I listened and took notes as Lisa laid out the plans for the date. Perfect first date here we come.

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