Chapter 5

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Eirene has decided to run into the city to change her fathers fate and accept the war request. She has now decided that she is ready to take on the gruesome challenge or war. While this happens Sebastian is frustrated with his fathers decision and knows that everything is going to end terribly however he can't say a word to his dad or any of the people in Sparta.

Eirene's POV:
I jumped down the halls trying to search for my fathers face or the back of his head. which of course with age seemed to be balding it was pretty funny to me though; well only because it made his head look like an egg. There was still no sign of him. which means he's already up to the highest power of court and that also means he's made a lot of enemies or people that generally dislike him. It's not often that the citizens of Athens get called into war so when we do it is our job to accept the challenge just like we have to our liberal arts. I now realize that it's not just a mans duty but a woman's as well to take on that role however I know that half of our population of females here would faint at the thought of going to a bloody stinky place where others die and corpses rot but hey it can't be that bad. I darted my way down the hall dodging men and women who shimmered with a coat of olive oil on their skin and hair; they all of course stared at me, since I was such a mess. Then I made it to the last corridor where a faint glow came from inside I rushed in without a second thought and yelled to declare my war cry.


Sebastian's POV:

I want to say that I woke up as I did everyday sun shining in through my windows the birds chirping and the sound of people already busy in the streets but I was awoken just before dawn and was forced to get dressed and meet up my father for battle strategy. He clearly didn't pick up on anything I've been trying to tell him for well I guess just one day or was it two I don't even remember. So here I sit around a table with 300 sweaty men piled in a room most stinking due to an already early morning workout. The dark room was humid and hot not a window in it to provide us any relief and not only that but we had to have torches to lite the room that added to the dizzying heat. The grey walls in closed out little group as the table creaked underneath the leather maps weight as my father sat with a spear poking at different locations that the opposing army might come in towards Athens at.

"There!" He jabbed his spear at a small little red line leaving Athens. "That's where the army will come through, most likely and that's where they are going to need us to be."

"Isn't that one of their massive trading routes?" A few of the men questioned no doubt were traders themselves and seemed to have an eye out for making money on this trip as well.

"Yes, but none of you will be trading. If I catch one of you doing so your as good as dead." my fathers tone shifted to a darker one and, the men that asked gulped, shifting back in their chairs. "There is a faint rock cavern that we will be using to sleep in or so I am told by Athens King so pack light men but be comfortable this will not be a short trip. We assume to be back in about 3 years."

"Three years..." I caught the words in my mouth hissing them out under my breath and I caught many other men doing the exact same thing. We all knew that war was a long process but the fact that Athens needed us to help fight their war and to be away from our families for three years. they've got to be playing a joke or something but the look on my father and his closest men's faces they were sure that it would be more that three years. I'm not exact my father looked like he enjoyed what we were doing anymore it seemed that he was turning the grey color from the walls and his body slumped forward.

"Men I'm sorry that it is such a long time but, think of how great of an honor it is for you to be going into battle. you are now given the chance to protect not only our country but also your families think of your wives and sons and daughters as you go out into the battle think of their faces and their lives we must protect what is ours and we must protect our name." by now most of the Warriors began to perk up at his pre-battle glory speech, I can even say that I did as well. "We are the country of war we are the best and we are Spartans." he finished and every grizzly man in the room stood myself included and yelled back however I chose to remain silent.


Eirene's POV:

"Eirene!!!" I heard my father roar as soon as I stepped into the dark room that smelled of well I guess old people. I couldn't blame the walls it seemed to come off of the people sitting behind a table their faces dimly illuminated by the torches on the walls.

"Father." I smirked and talked in a sly male voice.

"Eirene..." he sighed, I'm sure by now he was at his wits end.

"Fine people of Athens," I turned towards my audience I was sure that I needed to fool them so it was only my best male accent that was reserved for today. "I am a young man whose father just wants to keep him at home rather than sending him out to eat he would prefer to have him watch over his delicate wife, I'm sure all of you can understand." the judge-mental men sat nodding slightly as if to agree and push me onward with my case. " but I know he is also of old age and cannot remember the great glory and valor you get from serving alongside our brothers and for this I would very much like for you to forget everything my father has said and let me fight for Athens." they grumbled amongst themselves and then finally began to nod and I'm sure it was to agree that I should be sent to war. And although I didn't believe in it I could protect my family and there was no end to how much that I would. Then the center elder spoke with a slight grin playing on his lips.

"Son be ready to go to war."

Hey sorry for such the long update but summer has been absolutely crazy. I'm also missing my best friend rn or at least one of my besties cause he's in Europe :( at least I'm getting cool footage of the world. hope ya'll are having fun over the holiday :)

Luv Ya


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